Sometimes referred to as USAA's Bible
What is KD
USAA's Compliance Goal
What is 95%
Used to send the Member Contact Letters
What is Enterprise Correspondence Tool (ECT)
Instrument of authority and appointment given to an executor by the proper court
What is Letter of Testamentary/Administration
Insurable interest is not required for the product
What is a Non Owner Auto Policy
A request for documents to be submitted electronically using or the mobile application
What is "Document Request Tool" DRT
USAA's Technical Goal
What is 90%
Used to report of an employee or retiree's passing
What is the Employee/Retiree Death Template
A letter signed and dated to update or change accounts
What is Letter of Instruction
These products offer liability coverage
What are Auto, Home, RPI, Renters, Umbrella, Boat policies
Initiates work flow to Life Claims to begin the claims process for a Life Ins
What is the Non-image initiate (NII) template
Provides guidelines on the proper handling of Auto Insurance
What is Auto Conversation Expectations (ACE)
Used to explain short billing, how debits/credits are bill, payment history letters and bankruptcy
What is the Billing Account System Express (BASE)
Legal instrument to hold and manage your real property, tangible and intangible property. Transfers the assets from your ownership to the ownership of the trust
What is a Trust
Products without deductibles
What are VPP, Umbrella and Flood policies
A daily report of customers whose personal status was changed to deceased
What is RODM (Report of a Deceased Member)
Guidelines on proper handling of coverage conversations and property acquisitions
What is PACCE (Property Acquisition Coverage Conversation Expections) and PCE (Property Conversation Expectations)
Allows you to upload documents to SRT, review estate status and checklist
What is the Survivor Dashboard
A written declaration of a person's mind as to the manner in which their property or estate should be disposed of after their death
What is a will
Product requires premium to be paid in full.
What is Flood Insurance
The authority to act for another person in specified or all legal medical or financial matters
What is Power of Attorney (POA)
Three levels of Member Authentication
What is No Authentication (Public knowledge-fax# address)
High Risk Authentication (Update contact info or SSN)
High Risk Plus Authentication.
Exp: USAA pin, debit card, passwords, wire
A new way to inform our members and executors when additional documents are needed to handle the estate or confirm account information has been restored
What is One-way text and or/or email via the Enterprise Correspondence Tool (ECT)
The formal document issued by a probate court appointing a conservator of the estate of an individual who has been declared legally incapacitated.
What is a Letter of Authority
Requires a member to carry a Personal Injury Endorsement
What is an Umbrella Policy