Generating Equations
Balancing Equations
Stoichiometry with Moles
Stoichiometry with Grams
Stoichiometry with Molecules

Nitrogen gas reacts with hydrogen gas to form nitrogen trihydride (ammonia)

N+ 3H--> 2NH3


N2 + F2 --> NF3

N2 + 3F2 --> 2NF3


How many moles of O2 should be supplied to burn 1 mol of C3H8 (propane) molecules in a camping stove?

5 mol O2


___ CaCl2 + ___ AgNO3 --> ___ Ca(NO3)2 + ___ AgCl

How many grams of silver chloride are produced when 45 g of calcium chloride react with excess silver nitrate?

116 g AgCl        


___ CS2 + ___ O2 --> ___ CO2 + ___ SO2

How many molecules of carbon disulfide will react with 4.21 x 1019 molecules of oxygen?

1.40 x 1019 molecules CS2


Silver nitrate reacts with barium chloride to form silver chloride

2AgNO+ BaCl2 --> 2 AgCl + Ba(NO3)2


HBr + KHCO--> H2O + KBr + CO2

HBr + KHCO3 --> H2O + KBr + CO2


How many moles of O2 molecules should be supplied to burn 1 mol of CH4 molecules in a domestic furnace?

2 mol O2


___ Na + ___ H2O --> ___ NaOH + ___ H2

If 3 liters of hydrogen (at STP) are produced in the above reaction, what mass of sodium was used?

6.2 g Na


___ NaCl + ___ H2SO4 --> ___ HCl + ___ Na2SO4

If 359 g of sodium chloride are consumed in the reaction, how many molecules of sodium sulfate are produced?

1.85 x 1024 molecules


Acetic acid (C2H3O2H) reacts with aluminum hydroxide to form water and aluminum acetate (Al(C2H3O2)3)

3C2H3O2H + Al(OH)3 --> Al(C2H3O2)3 + 3H2O


SnO + NF3 --> SnF2 + N2O3

3SnO + 2NF3 --> 3SnF2 + N2O3


Sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3), photographer’s “hypo” reacts with unexposed silver bromide in the film emulsion to form sodium bromide and a compound of formula Na5[Ag(S2O3)3]. How many moles of Na2S2O3 formula units are needed to make 0.10 mol of AgBr soluble?

0.3 mol Na2S2O3


___ HgO --> ___ Hg + ___ O2

What mass of mercury (II) oxide is required to produce 812 liters of oxygen (at STP)?

1.57 x 104 g HgO


___ AgCH3COO + ___ Na3PO4 --> ___ Ag3PO4 + ___ NaCH3COO

What mass of AgCH3COO will react with 4.77 x 1026 molecules of sodium phosphate?

3.97 x 105 g


Sodium hydroxide reacts with sulfuric acid to produce water and sodium sulfate

2NaOH + H2SO4 --> 2H2O + Na2SO4


GaBr3 + Na2SO3 --> Ga2(SO3)3 + NaBr

2GaBr3 + 3Na2SO3 → Ga2(SO3)3 + 6NaBr


Consider the reaction of zinc metal with hydrochloric acid, HCl(aq). Calculate the moles of HCl needed to react completely with 8.25 moles of zinc.

16.5 mol HCL


Calculate the mass of alumina (Al2O3) produced when 100 g of aluminum burns in oxygen.

189 g Al2O3


How many formula units of calcium oxide (CaO) can be produced from 4.9 x 105 molecules of oxygen gas (O2) that react with calcium (Ca) according to this balanced chemical equation?

2 Ca(s) + O2 (g) --> 2 CaO(s)

9.8 x 105 molecules CaO


Lead (IV) sulfate reacts with lithium nitrate to form lead (IV) nitrate and lithium sulfate

Pb(SO4)2 + 4LiNO3 --> Pb(NO3)4 + 2Li2SO4


C6H10 + O2 --> CO2 + H2O

2C6H10 + 17O2 → 12CO2 + 10H2O


Fermentation is a complex chemical process of making wine by converting glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide:

C6H12O6(s) + 2C2H5OH (l) + 2CO2(g)

If 17.5 moles of ethanol were produced, how many moles of glucose were there in the beginning?

8.75 mol C6H12O6


Mercury and bromine will react with each other to produce mercury (II) bromide. (a). Write a balanced equation for this reaction and label the type of reaction that is taking place (combustion, decomposition, etc.). (b). What mass (in grams) of mercury (II) bromide can be produced from the reaction of 10.00 grams of mercury and 9.00 grams of bromine

a. Hg + Br--> HgBr2

b. 10 g Hg --> 17.97 g HgBr2

9g Hg --> 20.3 g


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