French History
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This French holiday celebrates the storming of a fortress beginning the French Revolution on July 14, 1789.

What is Bastille Day?


This decimalized way of counting and weighing was invented in France in 1793.

What is the metric system?


Finish this sentence: There is no cold like, _____ cold. –Fred Jacque Charlot, Circa 2000

What is Paris?


This is the most common way to make an adjective feminine.

What is add an -e?


This is how you say "My crayon is yellow."

What is "Mon crayon est jaune."?


This is the national motto of France.

What is "Liberté, égalitié, fraternité"?


These French brothers held the first public screening of a movie at the Salon Indien du Grand Café in Paris.

Who are the Lumière brothers?


Founded in 1962, _____ is the oldest American institution of higher learning in Europe.

What is The American University in Paris?


La cédille is an accent used only with this letter.

What is c?


This is how you say "I’m excited for my birthday in one day!"

What is "J'ai excité mon anniversaire en une journée!"?


This French statesman and military leader served as Emperor of the French after the French Revolution.

What was Napoleon Bonaparte?


The world's first artificial heart transplant took place in France, so did the first of this other rare surgery.

What is a face transplant?


The Eiffel Tower was only the 4th most visited site of the French capital. It’s the ______ that’s in first place.

What is the Cathedral Notre-Dame?


This word has an accent grave in French:

a.     Hello

b.     August

c.      Beer

d.     Delicious

What is C. Beer? La bière


This is how you say "Excuse me, where is 8 Rue de Mondovi?"

What is "Excusez-moi, où est le 8 Rue de Mondovi?"


The 21 day long race, Tour de France, spans over a 23 day period which covers roughly this many miles.

What is 2200 miles?


A 10-second fragment of this song was recorded by a French inventor in 1860 is the oldest recorded human voice.

What is Au Clair de la Lune?


When the Eiffel Tower was complete it was the tallest structure in the world. It held that title until 1930 when the Chrysler Building was built in _____.

What is New York City?


This word has l'accent circonflexe:

a.      Hotel

b.     Table

c.      After

d.      Touch

What is A. Hotel? Hôtel


This is how you say "I am what I am, and if I am what I am, what am I?"

What is "Je suis ce que je suis, et si je suis ce que je suis, qu’est-ce que je suis?"