What did Jesus mean when he called the pharisees "blind guides, who strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel!? (Matthew 23:24) (Jesus the way book)
they disregard the weightier matters of the Law
What does it mean again? ( born again watchtower pp.10)
For God to anoint you with his holy spirit to be cor-rulers in heaven
How is love superior to knowledge?
Knowledge could puff us up but love always builds up
Why did Rachel consider children born to Jacob and Bilhah as her own? (Gen 30:3) (it-1 50)
they were natural sons of Jacob and since the slave girls were property of the wives they had property rights
Where can we locate blind people
family members, schools, facilities, nursing homes
What (5) wise steps should we tale before making a serious decision? (W19. 11 pp. 27-29)
Do thorough research, pray for wisdom, analyze your motives, Be specific, Be realistic
How can we build up the congregation as the congregation as servants of God did in the past?
(its three things)
We can fulfill our obligation by comforting them, helping them make spiritual advancements, and being generous
What was the significance of Jacob's dream involving "a ladder"? (Gen 28:12,13) (w04 1/15 28 Pp. 6)
It showed that angels minister in some important way between Jehovah and humans who have his approval.
How can we practice good modulation?
(three things)
vary your volume, vary your pitch, vary your pace
How can God give us the desire and the power to act? (Phil. 2:13) ( W19.10, p. 21)
By reading God's word and meditating on it
How can we impart ourselves to those we meet in the ministry?
By their becoming spiritual family
On what basis could Abraham tell his servants that he and Issac would return to them even though he thought that Isaac was to be sacrificed? (Gen 22:5) (w16.02 11 pp.13)
(don't just say faith)
Abraham realized that nothing was impossible for Jehovah. He was confident that Jehovah would restore his son so that the promises could be fulfilled.
What is the sample initial call scripture for the month?
Matthew 16:16
How are we refreshed, as Jesus promised at Matthew 11:28? (w19.09, p.23)
(3 things)
by our loving overseers, our brothers and sisters, and through our ministry work
How can we contribute to the growth of our christian brotherhood?
(three things)
By building one another up in love, upholding the wisdom of the truth, and love of Bible truths
When did the 400 years of affliction begin and end? (gen 15:13, 14) (it-1 460-461)
1913 bce when Ishmael poked at Issac that didn't end until the exodus
What are the new changes the organization is making to the app and website?
combining JW broadcast & library to the website and adding the library publications to the app
How can you you change or improve your dominant mental attitude? (w19.06, p.11)
(three things)
Pray, Meditate with the goal of analyzing yourself, and choose your associates wisely
How can everything we do be done with love?
By showing love at all times to everyone in any circumstance
Why Did Lot's wife lose her life?
she became attached to the city and looked back