This smash hit plays after Shrek bursts out of an outhouse.
What is All star.
This was the lowest letter grade Haley got on a test in 6th grade
What is a C
We moved
Who is Nathan
This year Nathan skied over 50 days at this resort.
What is Winter Park
Nathan built a Tee-Pee in the woods, he was missing this.
What are clothes
This animated character has spawned countless memes over the years. Imma head out.
Who is Spongebob SquarePants
Zoe had a close encounter with a bear while doing this
What is swinging
I had my first dance recital
Who is Zoe
Zoe's first play was the ECC production of this musical comedy. She played a monkey.
What is Seussical
Brielle hosted this amateur television program
What is quarantine news
Swedish Youtuber Felix Kjeilberg is better known as this
Who is PewDiePie
This type of pet, owned by zoe, roamed the house for several weeks undetected before being found.
What is a mouse
My sister was born
Who is Nathan
What is a bay
Nathan rewrote the lyrics to, and learned to play Hey There Delilah. A 2005 hit by this band.
Who are the plain white T's
If the hip youth says that a statement is "Cap" they are saying it is this
What is a lie
I broke my arm falling off of this piece of furniture. Grandma almost had a heart attack!
What is the couch
I saw took a trip to South Dakota and saw Mount Rushmore
Who is Haley
Before quarantine, you might have found brielle at gymnastics on these days of the week.
What are Tuesday and Thursday
Whoops, Haley forgot to do this on day 16 of quarantine.
What is sleep
This Tik Tok dance popularized by Charli d'Amelio shares it's name with a 1979 Styx song
What is the Renegade
Nathan won this award for going full send into an icy pond in 2016
What is best crash
I was surprised by Aunt Debbie at a production of this play
What is Sleeping Beauty
This was the last show that Haley did spotlight for at stagedoor.
What is Circus Olympus
What is UP