Health Promotion and Maintenance
AKI Intervention
Chronic Kidney Disease
Dialysis- HD/PD

Simple education to provide healthy adults to prevent acute kidney injury

What is maintain hydration, at least 2-3L of water a day?

pg 1393 9th ed.

pg 1377 10th ed


Kidney stone

What is a postrenal cause?

Table 68-4 pg 1392 9th ed

Table 63-4 pg 1377 10th ed


A first intervention to promote kidney perfusion

What is a fluid challenge?

9th ed pg 1396

10th ed pg 1381


The required sodium limit for CKD and ESKD patients.

What is 1-3 g daily?

9th ed pg 1408

10th ed pg 1393


The position the patient must maintain during PD dwell period.

What is any position? The catheter may be disconnected during dwell time and then reconnected later.

9th ed pg 1418

10th ed pg 1402


Nursing interventions for early recognition of AKI

What is Accurate I/O measurement and daily weights?

9th ed pg 1393

10th ed pg 1377


Systemic infection (sepsis)

What is pre and intrarenal cause?

Table 68-4 pg 1392 9th ed

Table 63-4 pg 1377 10th ed


Bypassing the prostate to initiate flow of urine

What is a urethral catheter?


Teaching for signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia (complication from phosphate binders) that should be reported to the doctor.

What are muscle weakness, tremors, bone pain, and anorexia?

9th ed pg 1409

10th ed 1394


A common complication during hemodialysis

What is hypotension?

Critical Rescue box pg 1416 9th ed

pg 1401 10th ed.


Ideal urinary output 

What is 0.5mL/kg/hr or 30ml/hr?

9th ed pg 1393

10th ed pg pg 1377



What is intrarenal cause?

Table 68-4 pg 1392 9th ed

Table 63-4 pg 1377 10th ed


Frequency for monitoring urinary catheter output in the unstable patient

What is hourly?


Breathing pattern seen in CKD (metabolic acidosis, complication) that aids in the excretion of COvia the lungs

What is Kussmaul respirations (Fast and deep)?

9th ed pg 1404

10th ed 1389


The most common complication of PD and how to prevent it

What is infection/peritonitis and use aseptic technique when accessing the catheter/nurse and client wear a mask when changing the dressing? 

9th ed pg 1420

10th ed 1403


Important labs to monitor kidney function

What is creatinine, BUN, potassium, sodium, serum osmolarity, GFR, and urinalysis?

 Chart 68-1 pg 1395 9th ed

10th ed pg 1379


Blood loss

What is prerenal cause?

Table 68-4 pg 1392 9th ed

Table 63-4 pg 1377 10th ed


May assist with drug dosage calculations and inclusion/exclusion of medications based on kidney function

What is a pharmacist consult?

Some drugs must have a peak and trough in order to properly dose them. 

Aminoglycosides (gentamycin, vancomycin, tobramycin)


Common in patients in late stages of CKD and stems from a decreased erythropoietin level

What is anemia? 

9th ed pg 1401

10th ed pg 1386


Cardiac events during HD are associated with these underlying cardiovascular disease. 

What are cardiac dysrhythmias, left ventricle hypertrophy, and coronary artery disease? 

9th ed pg 1417

10th ed pg 1401


Certain antibiotics and chemotherapeutics, NSAIDs, IV contrast

What are nephrotoxic substances? Table 68-5 

9th ed pg 1393

10th ed pg 1377



What is postrenal cause?

Table 68-4 pg 1392 9th ed

Table 63-4 pg 1377 10th ed


Assistance with maintaining caloric needs in the AKI patient

What is nutritional support consultation and supplementation?


Two leading causative factors of CKD

What are diabetes and hypertension?


After hemodialysis, report these symptoms to the physician if they occur.

What is hypotension, restlessness, headaches, or chest pain, ? 

9th ed pg 1417

10th ed pg 1401