May 31st, 2015
Mom and Dad attended this business college
Deeya likes to listen to these four episodes
Peppa Pig, Dora the Explorer, Paw Patrol, and Daniel Tiger
Dad's favorite sport is
Mom's birthday is
January 12, 1982
Kennedy attended this college and studied this
Sameer's favorite things to do on down time (3)
read, info graphs, and play sports
Kennedy's two favorite sports to watch
Football and baseball
December 16, 1995
Kennedy has two job titles working for the Mishra Family
Chief of Staff and Nanny of two wonderful kids
Sameer's 3 favorite sports to play
Tennis, football, and cricket
Dad's birthday is
September 10, 1979
Kennedy is going back to school for
Vet tech
Mom used to do this before COVID-19 happened
Hot pilates
The family plays this when it is nice and warm outside
Tata was born in this year
Tata owns this kind of business
Kennedy did this while riding horses
Barrel racing
Moms favorite sport
She doesn't have one