
When a horizontal line is drawn from under a frequency distribution it is known as 

the x axis 


The mean is misleading when ___ (2 answers and both are needed)

When the distribution is skewed and there are extreme scores. 


Standardized tests always have:

formal procedures for test administration and scoring


The simplest form of descriptive research is the ___, which requires a questionnaire return or completion rate of ___ to be accurate

survey; 50-75% 


Rosenthal effect

The phenomenon whereby others' expectations of a target person affect the target person's performance.


the y axis could also called 



If the distribution is bimodal, then there is good chance that

the researcher is working with two distinct populations


In a study where 20% African Americans are necessary to include, what type of sampling procedure will be necessary? 

Stratified sampling would be best


z-scores (also called standard scores) are the same as standard deviations, thus a z-score of -2.5 means 

2.5 SD below the mean 


A panel of investigators discovered that a researcher who completed a major study led to unconsciously rated attractive female better as counselors. This is an example of 

The halo effect (which is when a trait that is not being evaluated influences a researchers rating on another trait)


Switching the order in which stimuli are presented to a subject in a study is known as



The most useful measure of central tendency is the 

mean, often abbreviated by an X with a bar over it


In a new experiment, a counselor educator wants to ferret out the effects of more than one IV. She will use a ___



The WAIS-IV IQ test is given to 100 adults picked randomly. How many pf the adults most likely would receive an IQ score between 85 and 115?

68 - because approx 68% of population will fall between +/- -1 of the SD


Solomon's 4-group design

is a study of whether or not a pretest affects the subjects of a study by sensitizing or influencing them before the start of the research. Such effects must be considered in a comparison of the results with the control group


A sociogram is to a counseling group as a scattergram is to (hint: scattergram is aka scatterplot)

A correlation coefficient


A good guess would be that if you correlate the length of CACREP graduates' baby toes with their CPCE scores the results would be 

close to 0.00 - there is an absence of association 


If an ANOVA yields a significant F value, you could rely on ___ to test significant differences between group means.

Duncan's multiple-range, Turkey's, or Scheffe's test  


The analysis of covariance technique can be described with three criteria. One is that it controls the sample differences which exist. What are the other two? 

- it helps to remove confounding, extraneous variables 

- it statistically eliminates differences in average values influenced by covariates 


An elementary school teacher tells the third-grade teacher that a test revealed that certain children will excel during the school year. In realy, no test was given and students were unaware of the experiment. By the end of the year the students who were suppose to excel did. This would be explained via  

Rosenthal effect or the experimenter expectancy effect


Regardless of the shape, the ___ will always be the high point when a distribution is displayed graphically. 



The acceptable probability level is __ , which means ___

P= .05, five subjects where not included in the study, and the experimenter will obtain the same results 95 out of 100 times


A counselor educator decides to increase the sample size in her experiment. This will 

reduce type 1 and type 2 errors


an IQ of 70 is 70 points below an IQ of 140, yet a counselor could not assert that a client with an IQ of 140 is twice as intelligent as a client with an IQ of 70 - is an example of what NOIR scale? 

Interval scale 


Define Parsimony and parameter 

parsimony - the researcher interprets the results of a study in the simplest and least complex manner; sometimes called Occam's Razor

Parameter - a value used to present a characteristic of the population