How Do You Feel
Coping skills
Perspective taking

What is Sad


When your get a snack

What is Happy 


How you deep breath to calm down

What is in your nose all they way to your belly and out your mouth (Smell the pizza/Cool the pizza). 


If someone tells you they don't want to play with you, what can you do?

You can ask someone else to play.  You might feel kind of sad, but it is good to try and make new friends. 


Someone in your class asks you to play at recess, you tell them, "No, I don't want to play with you".  how might they feel?

They might feel sad or mad.


What is Happy 


When you mom says you can't play

What is Angry/Sad


I can stretch and pose to feel better. 

What is yoga.


True or False:

You might get into an argument with a good friend sometimes. 

True! how would you work out a disagreement with a good friend? 


You really like how someone's hair looks so you reach out and touch it.  They turn around and push your hand away and tell the teacher.  What might they be thinking? 

They might be thinking: they need to ask me before they touch me! I did not like that.  Why were they touching me? They were invading my space. ect. 


What is Mad/Angry 


Kids make fun of me

What is Sad/Mad


I can color or draw.

What is art


True or False:

A good friend is someone who makes you go last every time you play a game. 

Not true! Good friends take turns. 


Your teacher asks you to start your writing work. You say, "No! I don't want to!" and throw your pencil.  What are your classmates thinking?

They may be thinking: Unexpected behavior! He/She needs to follow the directions even if they do not want to, That is our job at school, that was not nice, ect. 


What is Silly 


Another kids takes my toy

What is Mad/Sad


I can take a walk with an adult or go outside and play.

What is get exercise


List two ways you can be a good friend to others.

Examples: Play with them, be respectful, be a bucket filler, take terns, share ect. 


Your riding a bike with a friend and accidentally run into them and they fall.  They start crying and yelling at you for hitting them.  What are they thinking? 

Even though it is an accident they may not know it. They may be thinking: Why did they run into me? That made me fall! I feel sad and mad! What do you think you could say to them? 



What is Worried/Afraid


When you have a bad dream

What is Afraid/Scared 


You can calm down by squeezing this

What is a stress ball


List two things a good friend would do.

Examples: Help you, hug you, play with you, be respectful, be kind, ect. 


You are playing at school and you start to get a little out of control running around the room.  How do you think your teacher is feelings?  What is she thinking? What are your friends thinking?

Your teacher may be thinking: Wow! That is not expected behavior right now.  That is not okay.  Your friends may be thinking: They are out of control! They need to calm down! I don't want to get in trouble so I am not going to play with them. That is not funny.