jeux video
What does faire mean?
To do/to make
What verb must you conjugte when using the futur proche?
Comment dit-on do/does?
Est-ce que
track and field
Vrai ou Faux: You use faire everytime you express that you play a sport.
What happens to the second verb in the sentence when using the futur proche?
It stays in the infinitive.
Comment dit-on what?
Qu'est-ce que
la natation
Translate: Alicia Keys joue du piano très bien.
Alicia Keys plays the piano very well.
What makes faire an irregular verb?
It does not follow the pattern of keeping the stem and changing the endings as other verbs that end in -re do.
Finish the formula: subject + _________ + infinitive verb
conjugated form of aller
What follows the question words when forming a question in French?
the subject
Translate: Je fais du patin a glace en hiver.
I ice skate in the winter.
In a Rock and Roll band you need two members you can do the following: Je joue de __ ______. Je joue de __ _______.
Je joue de la guitare. Je joue de la batterie.
Which conjugation of faire is the most unlike all of the others in spelling/appearance?
Ils/elles font.
Translate: Tim va faire ses devoirs.
Tim is going to do his HW.
What are three of the question words that can be stacked in front of est-ce que?
Comment, quand, pourquoi, avec qui, ou, qu'
Quel sport est plus populaire au Quebec?
Jouer au hockey.
Translate the following: I don't like to ski, but I like to play tennis.
Je n'aime pas faire du ski, mais j'aime jouer au tennis.
fais, fais, fait, faisons, faites, font
Translate: We are going to jog.
Nous allons faire du jogging.
Translate: When does the teacher go jogging?
Quand est-ce que le prof fait du jogging?