Preventing Fires
Handling Fire Safely
Fire Safety Outdoors

(req 2)Fire Triangle

What is Fuel, Oxygen, and Heat


(req 3) Sources of Fire

Smoking, Furnaces, Space Heaters, Fireplaces, Cooking, Electrical Appliances, Electrical Distribution Equipment, Arson


(req 6g) extinguish pan fire

place a lid, that cover the entire pan, over the pan (cookie sheet works as well), turn off heat, wait 5 minutes. Lift lid away from you 


(req 10a) types of wildland fires

Grass fire (dead grasses, hay or rye)

Surface fire (forest spread, leaf litter, underbrush)

Ground fire (burns below the surface in spongy leaf, litter and peat)(will break through to surface fire)

Crown fire (fire in the treetops)


(req 13) 3 careers related to Fire Safety

Firefighter, Inspector, Planning, Education, Code Enforcement, Arson Investigator, Haz-Mat, 


(req 2)Importance of vapors

What is actual part of the fire that is burning.


(req 5) Seasonal/Holiday Fire Safety

December-February (tree & decorations, candles, frozen pipes)

March-May (outdoor safety)

June-August (fireworks, outdoor cooking, camping)

September-November (heating and Halloween)


(req 3) Heater related fires (name & explain)

Kerosene Heaters (1K kerosene fuels), Wood-burning stoves, coal-burning stoves, fireplaces.


(req 10a) Cost of Fire

Death, personal injury, damaged buildings, timber crop loss, wildlife loss and habitat, soil

firefighters, equipment usage, loss of business, lost jobs, reduced taxes/revenues, increase in social services need.


(req 11) Types of Fire Trucks

Engines, Tankers, Ladder Trucks, Haz-Mat, Rescue


(req 1c) Flammable liquids

What is flammables. (example gasoline, paint thinner, or aerosols).  Store in correct colored container, contact the manufacturer or hazard waste collection company for disposal.


(req 12) Smoke Detector types and proper location

smoke detectors, dual smoke and carbon monoxide, automatic fire signaling. 

Install at least one on every level including the basement.  Outside every bedroom.


(req 1a) Flammable Liquids

Liquids that require less heat to vaporize.  these vapors are combustible under ordinary temperatures. 

Vapor and air make up two of the three elements of fire.


(req 10b) put out a fire

separate fuels, splash with water, stir, repeat until out cold to touch.


(req 6f) P.A.S.S

How to use a fire extinguisher.

Point - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep


(req 2) Fire Tetrahedron

Fuel (produces combustible vapors), Oxygen (21% in air), Heat (temperature sufficient to produce combustible vapors), Chemical Chain Reaction (uninterrupted interaction between heat, fuel, and oxygen that allows continued burning.


(req 6h) Fire extinguisher classes

Class A - combustible materials (paper, wood, fabrics, rubber, and plastics)

Class B - flammable liquids (gasoline, oil, grease, tars, paints, lacquers or flammable gases)

Class C - electrical fires (heated wires, cords or appliances)

Class D - Metals (magnesium, sodium, potassium, uranium, plutonium, calcium, lithium and titanium)


(req 8) determines the relative flammability of fabrics

Weight, Weave, Construction and style

Synthetic verses Natural


(req 10d) Setup campsite as related to fire

similar to fire proofing your house.

remove flammables, flammable materials away from heat sources, cover ashes in metal containers, perform nightly checks before going to bed.


(info) Fire Dynamics

Page 9 of pamphlet.


(req 2) Products of Combustion

Heat, Gas, and Particles.

Please explain each.


(req 6c) smell smoke or smell natural gas

smell smoke - alert others, feel the door before opening, know a second way out, stay low/crawl, call 911

smell gas - check applicances, open doors and windows, call a professional and the gas company.


(req 1b) Burns, Scalds and Flame Burns

burns can be large percentage of body, act quickly to stop the burn

Scalds are from hot liquids or steam

Flame Burns are usually from clothes (stop/drop/roll covering your face)


(req 10d) sleeper fire

fires that penetrate into the ground and travel under the surface, along roots, and crop up a distance away.


(req 6e & 6h) Public Building safety

Fire alarms, fire extguishers, Fire Pull stations, exit signs.

Know exits, know where safety equipment is located, know stairs