It is the first day of school and someone gets murdered. You are from a detective agency and there are 3 suspects, the gym teacher, the math teacher and the secretary. The secretary says that he was was filing late slips, the gym teacher says that she was preparing for the end-of-the-year obstacle course and the math teacher says that she was staying in with a student. Who did it?
The gym teacher, she said that she was preparing for the end of the year test but it is the first day of school.
What's bright orange and green on top and sounds like parrot?
A carrot
Canada's age and birthday
What is 152? When is July 1st?
The planets of our solar system
What are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune?
Pete called his wife and said that he would be at home at 8. He came at 8:05. They had no special plans but still, the wife was angry because of his being late.
He came home at 8:05 am, but his wife thought that he meant 8 pm
Name 3 consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.
Tomorrow, Today & Yesterday
Name of safe passage ways that American slaves used to get to Canada
What is The Underground Railroad?
The country that the Statue of Liberty came from
What is France?
After a long, long day of climbing and walking, you have reached the top of Monster Mountain. You find a cave and you enter and find two monsters. One monster always tells the truth and the other one always lies. Behind these monsters, there are 2 doors, behind one is your greatest desire, behind the other is someone waiting to shoot you. You can ask only one question and then you must choose a door. You do not know what monster tells the truth and what one lies. What question do you ask?
What door would the other monster tell me to go through (you do the opposite)
What has a head, and tail and is gold with no legs?
A loonie
The standard abbreviations of the provinces and territories of Canada
What are N.L, P.E.I, N.S, N.B, Que., Ont., Man., Sask., Alta., B.C, Y.T, N.W.T, Nvt.?
The last name of flying pioneers Orville and Wilbur
What is Wright?
One morning, little Mary got trapped in a castle in Costa Rica. There were 4 doors, but only one led to freedom. The doors opened up to the following:
Lava that would immediately melt anyone
A killer clown that would beat any person to death
A deadly frost that would freeze her at once
Cops that would shoot any man or woman indiscriminately
The Cops-Mary is a kid
What belongs to you but other people use more than you?
Your name
Number of time zones in Canada
What is 6?
The imaginary line that connects the North and South Poles
What is Prime Meridian?
Two fathers and two sons go fishing together in the same boat. They each catch only one fish but the total catch for the day is three fish. How is this possible?
There was a Grandfather, a father(who was also a son), a son
What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?
The word is starting! starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I.
The year that O Canada was proclaimed Canada's national anthem
When is 1980?
The number of noses that a slug has
What is 4?