Learning Styles
Types of Students
Note Taking Systems
Social Life
Values and Goals

Learning through different senses including: Visual, Aural, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic

What is Vark's approach to learning styles?


Come from different high schools, are used to attending class, reading textbooks, and studying and thus may find transition to college easier  

What is a traditional student?


The most common method of note taking used by college students. It naturally organizes the information in a standard structured to show how ideas interrelate.

What is an outline?


The exchange of information or services among people

What is networking?


Intention to accomplish something in the future which requires time and a lot of planning and can last for about several years.

What is a long-term goal?


A leaner that needs to see information using graphs, charts, maps, and diagrams to process it correctly.

What is a visual learner?


Begins at one college, but then switches to another college at some point, for many reasons. May being at less expensive college or college doesn’t have degree they want.  

What is a transfer students?


Two columns, one area at the bottom of the page, and one smaller area at the top of the page. (4 different sections that form a T)

What is the Cornell T-note system?


Criticism that promotes improvement

What is constructive criticism?


Things that a person cares about would find important to them. Example: Family, education, friendship, and staying fit

What is a value?


A student that sits near the front in class away from distractions, records lectures, and reading notes aloud.

 What is an aural learner?


Face same issues at limited time as returning students. Many returning students are commuter students.

What is a commuter student?


Helps keep information organized, helps students concentrate and stay focused, it is used an overview of what was said in lectures, and is something to study from.

What is the purpose of note taking?


Physical/mental problems 

Missing Class 

Become Depressed

Fail a Test

What are the negative effects of binge drinking?

  • Specific – What do I want to do
  • Measurable – Example: loosing 7 pounds
  • Achievable – Falls into being realistic
  • Realistic – Can I really do it?
  • Time Frame Linked - How long do I have

What is the SMART method for achieving goals?


- Underlining/highlighting key ideas

- Summarize information

- Take good notes in class to review them later

How do you maximize learning while reading?


Returning students who are returning to school, they are often older, may have worked for a number of years, and may be used to living on their own and being financially and psychologically independent. They may be full time students but frequently are still working and can take only a part time course load

What is a returning student?


Method that uses comprehension/concentration skills and evolves into a note taking form which relates each fact or idea to another fact or idea. A graphic representation of the content of a lecture.

What is mapping method of note taking? 


The benefits include: cultural exposure, emotional thoughts, building confidence, and impact on future

Why is social life important in college?


Values in college reflects a students' major and what they want to accomplish in life.

Why is it important for someone's values to match their major?


At the end of every lecture in class, a psychology professor engages the students in a video or review game that reflects the information given in class that helps certain students with learning and memorization skills.

What is practicing kinesthetic learning?


Mike has a good attitude, stays motivated, develops good management strategies, and is very organized. He knows how to prepare for tests, has developed critical thinking skills, and interacts well with teachers and students.

What is a successful student?


Alex is student who learns the best from observing diagrams, pictures, and graphs and writes his notes in a similar fashion to comprehend information better.

What is the mapping method?


Lisa gets involved on campus by joining clubs, exercising  in gym regularly, and seeking student jobs on campus.

How to improve your social life on campus?


John like to help others in need, he is interested in health and biology, and he plans to go to graduate school and become a pediatric doctor.

What are John's values and goal in life?