Which Fallacy
Any Fallacy
Begging the ?, Is-Ought, Bifurcation, Moderation-You Choose
Division, Composition, false cause, fake precision- You Choose
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Fallacy of Accent (this improper emphasis placed on words that sound similar- "You disgust me!" vs. "You discuss me?" 

False Analogy ("I'm a Trust Fund. Baby you can trust me"- are trust funds trust worthy? lol) 



False Cause- A Snicker bar is the source that can change someone's attitude or the way they act 


An argument that fails because a key term is ambiguous 



Of course smoking marajuana is ok. It's a legal activity now isn't it? 

Is-Ought Fallacy 


Film critics have to doubt that Drew Berrymore would be a phenomenal actress- she came from an entire family of actors. 

Division (this is assuming that the whole-the entire family of actors determines that since she is a part of that whole that she too will be a great actress)



Adhominem Abusive 


False Analogy 





Appeal to Illegitimate Authority (Just because Oprah says it- it must be good nutritional/weightloss advice) 


An argument that makes a linguistic distinction between two things that are actually not different from each other. 

Distinction without a Difference 


Miguel wants strawberry ice cream and Tina wants pecan ice cream. We will just get a bowl or both and mixed together. 

Fallacy of Moderation 


I got a bad cold after I ate at my favorite Sushi place. They must not keep their restaurant clean enough. 

False Cause 


Appeal to Fear


Mob Appeal 

Fake Precision (1.7 sec!) 



Bifurcation (either you have the money or you don't and these are the two consequences given) 



Ad hominem Abusive & Strawman (First he is mocking the "Christian" and the reason he will not debate them and then he goes on to discredit Christians by placing them in an inaccurate light which totally gets him out of having to debate them- Red Herring) 


An argument that rests on improper emphasis placed on certain words or phrases



Since you started working here, you have consistently had the worst productivity in the department. Either you have not worked hard in improve your sales or you simply lack the ability to do this job well. Either way, you are not producing well, and we may have to remove you from this job. 

Bifurcation (False Dilemma- surely there are other possibilities for poor sales in the department) 


A diaper weighs as light as a few sheets of paper. I can carry boxes of diapers- no problem. 



False Cause: And insisting that one thing will cause another, although going vegetarian will make you lose weight and make you healthier, it will not save the lives of any whales, unless you happen to be indulging in the consumption of whale meat, and that is the only way you will be able to save the lives of whales.


Composition / Division: Saying that since one part of something is true, then it should be applied to all or other parts of it as well and insisting that all the parts of something true, are true. And the Fallacy: Mob: In which you appeal to popularity and that since because it was popular then you should join in too and uses the fact that because is is popular as a false form of validation.



Fake precision (95% chance of an attack)

False Cause (because he is the son of Garmadan- it must be tough being "that kid") 



Chronological Snobbery (some people still believe these things and he makes fun of their outdated beliefs and then go farther to create a Straw Man of some people who have wrong truth) 


When words are unclear we call them



"There is no such thing as knowledge which cannot be put in to practice, for such knowledge is no knowledge at all"- Confucius 

Begging the Question 


Any law preserving the nation's farmland will be very popular. After all, a recent study by the US department of agriculture showed that 82 percent of Americans believe in supporting America's Farmers. 

Fake Precision


Appeal to Pity

Begging the Question 



Appeal to Illegitimate Authority ("that's what the governor says and you can't argue with the governor")

Genetic Fallacy- (since her argument is from the governor who is not the ideal for modern government being a southern governor) 



Irrelevant thesis (based on this video, having a dog as a best friend for your life journey somehow will make you want the car?) 



Begging the Question- (What if I'm wrong, anybody can be wrong...but he doesn't answer the question)

Adhominem Circumstantial (he is attaching all beliefs to their background and upbringing but not addressing the issue)


Name the three fallacies of clarity 

Equivocation, Accent, Distinction without a Difference 


Shawn wants to leave his new job and go back to school. I think he should stay where he is- things are best for him as they are. 

Is-Ought Fallacy 


Congress has not gotten anything done this year. Each of those congressman is lazy. 

Division (The collective whole of the congress is what determines the assumption that all parts of the congress are all lazy then. 





Distinction without a Difference (someone who's been in a bad mood for 40 years probably should receive emotional help)