What does the word "tact" mean? Use it in a sentence.
"Tact" is the ability to say the right thing. For example, "My aunt never hurts anyone's feelings because she always uses tact".
What does "green with envy" mean? Use it in a sentence.
"Green with envy" means to be jealous of someone else's good fortune. I was "green with envy" when my friend went to Aruba for vacation.
What is a compromise? Give an example.
A compromise is an agreement or a settlement of a problem that is reached by each side giving up something and getting something that they want. For example, if you want to see a different movie than your friend then you could agree to see his movie first and then your movie after.
What are two "wondering questions" you could ask your friend who likes to draw?
Some examples could be:
What do you like to draw?
When do you draw?
What is perspective taking?
Perspective taking refers to the ability to actively consider the thoughts, feelings, and reactions of others as well as oneself. It means you can think about others and then control your behavior so that others maintain positive (or at least neutral) thoughts about you.
What does "gallant" mean? Use it in a sentence.
"Gallant" means brave, showing respect for women. For example, "Many gallant knights entered the contest to win the princess".
What is a "white lie"? Use it in a sentence or give an example.
A "white lie" is something that is not true but that causes no harm. John had to tell a "white lie" so he wouldn't "let the cat out of the bag" about Mary's surprise birthday party.
What are the Zones of Regulation?
The Zones of Regulation is a strategy or tool to help us control our emotions. Our feelings are categorized to improve our ability to recognize and communicate how we are feeling. It helps us to tap into strategies and tools to help us move between zones. There are four colored zones. The blue zone describes low states of alertness such as bored, sad, tired, and sick. The green zone is happy, calm, focused or content. The yellow zone describes when you are in a heightened state of alertness but you have some control (i.e. frustrated, anxious, excited, silly, nervous). The red zone is used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness or very intense feelings (anger, terror, elation).You are not in control of your body in the red zone.
What are two "supportive comments" you could make if your friend won his race at a track meet?
What does it mean to have a "flexible brain"?
Having a flexible brain means that you have mental flexibility to understand different points of view. This is the opposite of having a "rock brain", where one follows a rule all the time and can't interpret different meanings in language. Being flexible means that you can deal with change.
What does "hardship" mean? Use it in a sentence.
What does "the apple of one's eye" mean?
"The apple of one's eye" means someone's favorite person. The girl was "the apple of her mom's eye"
What does "fish out of water" mean? What zone would you be in if you are a "fish out of water"?
Being a "fish out of water" means that you you are in a situation that you are unfamiliar with, thus you look out of place and uncomfortable. You would be in the yellow zone if you were a fish out of wather.
Why is eye contact important in conversation?
Eye contact is important because it shows the other person that you are listening and that you are interested. Remember that eye are like arrows. Wherever you are looking with your eyes is usually what you are thinking about. We use our eyes to understand nonverbal messages others are sending (facial expressions, body language, etc.).
What are "people files"?
We are continually learning information about others and filing it in an organized way in our brain. We recall this information when we see or interact with that person again.
What does the word "wager" mean? Use it in a sentence.
What does "pigheaded" mean? Give an example.
What is the 1-5 behavior scale?
We can put our behavior on a rating scale. This helps us identify whether our behavior is "expected" or "unexpected".
5= behavior is against the law or against the rules
4= behavior is annoying (can also say scary behavior)
3 = unexpected behavior that gives others "weird thoughts"
2 = appropriate "expected" behavior
1 = appropriate behavior that makes others feel good about us
What is a "whopping topic change"? Why is important to stay on topic?
A "whopping topic change" is when you make a comment that is not related to the thread of the conversation and what was previously said. It makes people confused and possibly have "weird thoughts" if you do not stay on topic. They make think that you're not listening to them and/or that you don't care about them.
What is a "social fake"?
A "social fake" is when you show interest in someone else's topic when you do not find it fascinating or interesting.
What does "peril" mean? Use it in a sentence.
What does it mean to "win by a landslide"?
To "win by a landslide" means to get almost all of the votes. People agreed with Jim's opinions so he won by a landslide when he ran for office.
What does "silver lining" or "every cloud has a silver lining" mean?
Silver lining is a metaphor for optimism which means a negative occurrence may have a positive aspect to it. There is a brighter side to the problem that you are facing.
An "add on comment" or "add on thought" is a comment about our own experience. When talking to others, we consider how their experiences relate to our experiences. We then add our own thoughts to help connect our lives to theirs. This is one of the most popular forms of commenting and sustaining communication.
What are "hidden social rules"?