How many planets are in our solar system?
What animal has black and white stripes?
What fish is common to eat in the USA and can be caught in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans?
What country does Anime originate or come from?
What is the actual color of Harry Potter's eyes?
What do the planets revolve around (spin around) or what is at the center of the solar system?
the sun
What animal is the most common pet in the United States?
a fish
What goes into sushi?
rice, fish, cucumber
What is a name of an Anime movie for children?
Ponyo , My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away
The actual name of Lord Voldemort is ______
Tom Riddle
What planet is the largest in the solar system?
What animal is the 2nd most common pet in the United States?
What vegetable grows in the ground and is called a "spud? and you make french fries from it?
a potato
What does Anime (アニメ) mean in Japanese?
Animation or cartoon
What was the name of the three-headed dog that guarded the philosopher’s stone?
What planet is the 2nd largest and has rings?
What animal is noctural (meaning it is awake at night) and sleeps hanging upside down?
a bat
What fruit is wine made from?
What is one of the most popular anime? Name one
What shape is Harry Potter's scar?
Lightning Bolt
Most of the earth's surface is covered by what?
What insect comes out of a cacoon?
a butterfly
What is made from cocoa beans that grows as fruits of the cocoa tree?
We also love to eat this as a treat!
What movie has the main super hero wearing a vibranium (metal) protected suit?
Black Panther