What does ELPS stand for?
English Language Proficiency Standards
What is the component of reading that deals only with sounds and no print
Phonological Awareness
Mention some of the components of balanced literacy?
Reading, Writing, Word Study -
Read Aloud, Shared Reading, Independent Reading, etc.
Number of steps to have a solid guided reading session
What do the ELPS address?
They are designed to outline language proficiency levels and student expectations for English Learners.
Reading component that includes, expression, phrasing, and rate?
Grade in which students start reading independently and continues throughout the student's schooling.
Officially, in Kinder as stated in the new ELAR/SLAR TEKS.
This step is when you select and analyze the textbook
step 2
Number of stages of reading development
1. Emergent
2. Early
3. Transitional
4. Fluent
Reading component that combines sounds and letters
What is balanced literacy?
A balanced literacy program uses research-based elements of comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, phonemic awareness and phonics and includes instruction in a combination of the whole group, small group and 1:1 instruction in reading, writing, speaking and listening with the strongest research-based elements of each.
This step is when you introduce the text
Step 3
Various responses.
Includes listening and reading...
Components of a good book introduction include...
connections, activating background knowledge, vocabulary, comprehension purpose question (CPQ)
Observe and Interact as Students Read the Text Individually
Purpose of Guided Reading instruction
Various responses.
What is word study?
Word study is an approach to spelling instruction that moves away from a focus on memorization. ... Word study also teaches students how to use this word knowledge strategically to support their spelling attempts during writing activities and to help them decode unfamiliar words while reading (Bear & Templeton, 1998).
interactive read aloud, shared reading, guided reading, independent reading
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