A single angel killed this many Assyrian soldiers.
“Shall I go and call a nursing woman from the Hebrews to nurse the child for you?”
This character is who Hebrew 11:4 is referring to when it says, "through that faith he received the witness that he was righteous, for God approved his gifts, and although he died, he still speaks through his faith."
A poetic book of the Hebrew Scriptures that tells of the love story between three characters. It is but one song and not a collection of songs.
Song of Solomon
Similar to Timothy's situation, his father wasn't in the truth, but unlike Timothy, his father eventually starts to accept the truth.
What Will I Do With My Life?
“Truly I say to you, no one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not get ___ times more now in this period of time" -Mark 10:29, 30
"Now, please, swear to me by Jehovah that, because I showed loyal love to you, you will also show loyal love to my father’s household; and you must give me a sign of good faith."
The queen of this land, she remains unnamed, came to hear the wisdom of a king with gifts, but left with all her questions answered and gifts that apparently exceeded the value of the treasures she brought.
Queen of Sheba
These books consisted of letters that were among the last portions of the inspired Scriptures to be put in writing. Although the name of the apostle who wrote them appears nowhere within these letters.
1/2/3 John
She couldn't leave without seeing the key to their house.
Walk By Faith, Not By Sight
Gideon started with this many soldiers before he settled with a total of 300.
“I do put you under oath, O daughters of Jerusalem: Do not try to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined."
The Shulammite Girl
He was the son of a prostitute of Jericho who became a worshiper of Jehovah. He was also a landowner who became a link in the family line of the Messiah.
This book ends with, "May the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus be with the holy ones."
One of the main character's daughters was influenced by her friends leading her to dye her hair.
Remember the Wife of Lot
Joseph was bought for this many pieces of silver.
"As for the promise that we have made, you and I, may Jehovah be between us forever."
He climbed a sycamore tree because "he was short."
DAILY DOUBLE: Name as many Bible Books that are named after their writer.
Joshua, 1 Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Song of Solomon, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, 1/2 Peter, 1/2/3 John, Jude
This character used a machine part to explain a lesson to his only daughter.
These Words Must Be In Your Heart
According to the women of Bethlehem, Ruth was worth more than this many sons.
"I am in love with Tamar, the sister of my brother Absalom."
This prophet cursed 42 children, where "two she-bears came out of the forest" and tore them apart for teasing him.
This book provides us with the most reliable and comprehensive history of the beginning and rapid development of the Christian organization. The overriding theme of the entire Bible, Jehovah’s Kingdom, dominates the book and tells of how the apostles bore “thorough witness” concerning Christ and that Kingdom and fully accomplished their ministry.
This girl wrote a poem comparing loneliness to a stone when she moved to a new place.
How Can I Make Real Friends?