Stage & Scenery Terminology
Stage Costumes
Stage Lighting
Stage Makeup
Acting and Directing for the Stage

Stage with audience on three sides of actors.

What is a Thrust Stage?


A padded undergarment used to add fullness, or support the drapery, at the back of women's dresses beginning at the waist and flowing down in the mid-to-late 19th century.

What is a bustle?


A stage light that can be both spotted and softened with barn doors and has a heat resistant ringed lens.

What is a fresnel?


Generally use a stippling sponge to make a course-like look of a colored makeup on subject. This can also help blend colors together for a smoother transition from one color to another on the subject. You stipple by patting the sponge onto the subject.

What does it mean to "stipple"?


An acting method where an actor uses past emotions to recall how it feels to act out an emotion (physically and mentally) for a character. It is a starting point to get into character. 

What is the Stanislavski Method?


Usually made of painted canvas and wooden frames erected on stage.

What is a flat?


Poodle Skirt

What is the name of a popular skirt worn by teenagers in the 1950's?


A small row of soft lights used to light a general area such as a cyclorama or other flat surface.

What are strip or cyc lights?


This is used to create a design of a character makeup on paper to use as a pattern to create the makeup onto the actor.

What is a makeup chart?


Deciding when and where each actor moves on the stage during a performance.

What is blocking actors on a stage?


The left side of the stage from the point of view of the audience.

Where Stage Right? 


Pull Costumes

What is it called to locate costumes already made to fit actors to portray their characters?


A stage light fixture used to spot from long distances light that needs to be pinpointed on a small area on the stage.

What is an ellipsoidal light?


These are items usually made out of latex and other rubber like materials to add to the skin for special effects looks on an actor.

What is prosthesis in stage makeup?


The time for actors to have their lines totally memorized without a line coach.

What is "Off Book"?



What is another name for the back end of a raked stage?



What is the art of making and designing hats for the stage and other purposes?


A cookie cutter frame used to cut the light coming from an ellipsoidal light into a patterned design. 

What is a cookie or gobo?


This is used as an adhesive in stage makeup to hold prosthetic pieces to the skin and other items that need to be attached to the skin characterization. 

What is spirit gum?


Stock characters used most often in the Renaissance period that started in Italy.

What are Commedia del arte characters?



What is the front part of a stage jutting out in front of the proscenium curtain? 



What is used as a traditional (usually paper or muslin) tool to create designs for costumes to cut fabric to sew for actors?


A light dimmer raises the light on an area of the stage while another light dimmer simultaneously fades down on an area that was already lit.

What does it mean to "cross-fade"?


This is a demonstration of the work a makeup artist has done which can be pictures of makeup artwork with makeup charts in a professionally looking notebook, PowerPoint or other medium.

What is a stage makeup morgue?


A stage director who chooses to perform a play by creating his/her own message through a play that may not resemble the original play.

What is an auteur director?