Who is presenting the workshop today ?
Kevin, Valentin and Emilien
How many students are in this class ?
What is the name of this quiz ?
ECAM's game show
What was the theme and particularity of the last party organised by the AEI before quarantine ?
Where is Shane White from ?
Who has already won a Kahoot without making any mistakes ?
The Real Slim Shany (Kévin)
Which students went to Scotland last year ?
Bormes les mimosas
What did Shane do before he became a teacher ?
Disc Jockey and educator
What game did Camille and Marylin had the class play during their workshop ?
Describe the picture : lie or truth ?
Who wants to work in Korea after ECAM ?
Questions pour un champion
What did the students do to have the ECAM bar closed temporarily last year ?
They climbed up the crane during an ECAM party. (Maybe it was Shane ?)
Cite 3 games in which Shane White did not achieve first place during the workshops ?
Kahoot : Movies quotes
Kahoot : Emojis, guess the film
What was the first workshop about ?
Optical illusions
Who does not have french as a first language ? (3 people)
Kévin, Juliana and Shane White
Which movie is about an indian youngster playing "who wants to be a millionnaire" ?
Slumdog Millionnaire
How many ECAM schools are part of ECAM network ?
Rennes, Lyon, Strasbourg, ECAM EPMI, Bruxelles
In which countries did Shane White teach English language ?
France and India
What was the last song played in Guillaume, Alex and JB's workshop ?
Daft Punk : veridis quo
Family feud