American Foketales
The keeper
Different types of sentences
Teamwork and Fun Stuff BOI

Now I hear tell that Paul Bunyan was born in Bangor, Maine. It took five giant storks to deliver Paul to his parents. His first bed was a lumber wagon pulled by a team of horses. His father had to drive the wagon up to the top of Maine and back whenever he wanted to rock the baby to sleep.

The folktale is "Birth of Paul Bunyan"


Who is the main character in LAFFF?

 The main character is Angela.


Who is the protagonist in the story?

El Gato is the protagonist in the story?


What 1+1? 

1+1= 2329895905346355586958879573

I am so big brain.__.


What is the first thing that Mrs. Anderson want us to do?

Sit down and do the do now.


"A tough guy is said to have worked as a "steel-driving man"—a man tasked with hammering a steel drill into rock to make holes for explosives to blast the rock in constructing a railroad tunnel."

The folk tale is  "John Henry"


Who was the smartest kid in class, that everyone thought he was a nerd in class. When it was Halloween he dress up as Chinese costume and then he became popular.

The name of the boy is Peter Lu.


Where did the keeper take place?

it takes place in a forest.


What is a declarative sentence?

It is a sentence that makes a statement.


What is one rule that is very important in Mrs. Anderson's class.

A important rule is not to look at your phone nor play video game. Or not do hacking stuff:/

We all breaked this at least once. Don't try to say to never broke this rule. We all played games in class LOL


 A young man was traveling in a covered wagon as an infant when he fell out unnoticed by the rest of his family near the Pecos River . He was taken in and raised by a pack of coyotes. Years later he was found by his real brother, who managed to convince him he was not a coyote.

The name of the folk tale is "Peco Bill"


What was the time machine used for and where was it built.

The machine was used to travel in time for entertainment purposes. And it took place in peters garage. 


Who did El gato find in the forest while adventuring in the forest?

He saw a goal with someone playing and when he come to who it was, a man was standing there. El gato was so scared he ran away, but he came back the next day to take the strange man. Later know as Keeper.


What is a interrogative sentence?

It is a sentence that contains a question being asked.


What the three most popular learning games we play? (NOT VIDEO GAMES)

The three most popular are Kahoot, Quizzes, and Quizlet Live.


"He is a folk hero and pioneer apple farmer in the 1800's. He was born in Leominster, Massachusetts in 1774. His dream was to produce so many apples that no one would ever go hungry."

The fol tale was Johnny Appleseed


What was Angela so stressed about in the story?

She joined the book competition to win the prize and she tough that she was going to lose because she had no ideas.  


Why did El gato quit playing soccer?

he said that he finish his accomplishment and now he wants to accomplishment more things. Also his dad died the next day by achool poisoning.


What is a imperative sentence.

A imperative sentence is a sentence that is commanding something.


Why is eatting in class one of the biggest problems?

It is because Yall don't clean up your mess. 

Come one we all at least dropped some kind of snack related and never picked it up.


"A domestic animal tries to enlist in the WAGS, a group of Army dogs. However, after a series of tests, he is deemed unfit for service. Later, he proves useful during a flea attack."

The folk tale is called "Yankee Doodle Donkey"


What did Angela use the time machine for?

Be very detailed in your answer.

Angela uses Peter's time machine to see the writing that wins the contest. She uses this information to write her own story. After she wins, she feels bad because she thinks she cheated.


Why is the forest a good setting for the keeper?

The forest is a really good setting for the story because that’s where El Gato becomes a star soccer player. In teen years, he starts to explore the forest. The two reasons he goes into the forest is because he wants to explore the forest and because he quits being a goalkeeper because he got bullied. The reason he is bullied is because of his weak arms and he cannot predict where the soccer ball will go. After he quits soccer, he explores the forest to fill time. While he is exploring the forest, he finds a goal and sees a strange man playing soccer. The man walks up to him but el gato runs away. But because he is so curious, he comes back to see who he was.


What is a exclamative sentence?

It is something that show emotion like this:



What is Sids hate the most in Ell and Esl?

He hates when someone keeps asking him for robux. Btw you guys are bad at Shell

But still Ell is 2nd best place for me.

We all gotta agree it is our 2nd or 1st class that we enjoy and we all love Mrs. Anderson.