Fractions, Decimals and Exponents
Describe how to find the area of a triangle. 

Multiply the base by the height and divide it by 2. You find the area of the square first, then split it in half since two triangles fit inside a square.


7x = 63

What is x?

x = 9


How many sixths make 1 whole and 2/6?


A car is traveling at a speed of 35 mph. If it travels for three hours, how far will it go?

105 miles. 


What is a strategy you can use to determine if a number is divisible by 2?

If the number ends in an even number, or can be split in half equally.


Describe the difference between area, perimeter, and volume. *You must get all three correct to get the points. 

Area is a measurement of the surface covered. It is a 2D measurement. A square is used to measure area. Perimeter is a measurement using length or distance around a shape. Volume is a measurement of a 3D shape and refers to how much space an object can take up or hold. Cubes are used to measure volume. 


A number multiplied by itself is ten less than 59. What is the number?

7 X 7 = 49, which is ten less than 59


What is the value of 63?



Four tootsie rolls cost 52 cents. How much would ten tootsie rolls cost?

One tootsie roll is 13 cents, so ten tootsie rolls would be $1.30.


What is the greatest number than can go into both 40 and 56 evenly. 



What is the relationship between a circle's diameter and it's circumference? 

The diameter can fit around the circumference of a circle 3.14 times. Pi!


 A man buys three cakes at an unknown price - he didn't check the price tag! He also buys one bag of chips for $3.52. How much did each cake cost if he spent $51.52 in total? 

The equation is 3x + 3.52 = 51.52

Each cake costed $16


Kyle has 4/5 of a cookie. Jackson has 1/3 of a cookie. How much do they have together? How many whole cookies do they have? How many pieces of cookie?

Together they have 17/15 which is one whole cookie and 2/15 of another cookie. 


15 men are repairing a bridge. They need three people to help carry one plank of wood from the truck to the bridge site. If there are 100 planks, how many trips will need to be made? 

20 trips

There are 15 men. Groups of three are needed to carry each plank. There are 5 groups. With 100 planks, each group will need to make 20 trips.


What is 168 divided by 14? 



If a triangle has an area of 21 inand a height of 7in, what is the length of the base of the triangle? 

6 in


Find the missing value for the number machine. 

If 3 goes in, 19 comes out.

If 5 goes in, 31 comes out.

If 7 goes in, 43 comes out.

If 10 goes in, what comes out? 



Read this number correctly.


One thousand eight hundred fifty-six AND seven hundred twenty three ten-thousandths

Dr. John walks 2 and 1/3 miles to school everyday. If one mile is 5,280 feet, how many feet does he walk to school?

12,320 feet

2 whole miles = 5,280 + 5,280 = 10,560

1/3 mile = 5,280/3 = 1,760

10,560 + 1,760 = 12,320


There are 6 kids trying to share 38 jelly beans evenly. How many can they each have? 

*You must use all of the jelly beans. Your answer should involve a fraction. 

Each kid can have 6 whole jelly beans and 1/3 of another. 


A shape has 8 sides. What is the sum of the interior angles of the shape? (If you were to add up the angle measure of all the angles of a 8 sided shape, what would they add up to?)

1,080 degrees


Solve the equation.

5x - 6 + 4x = 18 - 3x

x = 2


What is 6.75 X .22?



Miss Leah can type 70 words in one minute. She needs to type an email that is 350 words. How long will it take her? 

5 minutes


You are packing Smores for a camping trip. For each Smore, you need one graham cracker, two pieces of chocolate, and one marshmallow. 

In each box of graham crackers there are 12 crackers.

In each bar of chocolate there are 10 pieces.

In each bag of marshmallows there are 32.

If you will make 40 Smores total, how many boxes, bars, and bags will you need to buy?

4 boxes of graham crackers, 4 bars of chocolate, and 2 bags of marshmallows.