Civil Rights
Wild Card

Both team members:

Tell us one of your identities and what it means to you


What does LBGTQ+ stand for?

Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning +


Who was Malcolm X?

Malcolm X was an African American leader in the civil rights movement, minister, and supporter of black nationalism. He urged his fellow black Americans to protect themselves against white aggression “by any means necessary,” a stance that often put him at odds with the nonviolent teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Group: Nation of Islam


Define "trust" and when it can be okay not to trust others. 

Trusting someone means that you think they are reliable, you have confidence in them and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally.

When it's okay not to...

When you fail to consider the risks: Knowing when and how to give trust is a developed skill requiring consideration, experience, and judgment. Those who operate with authentic trust don't tune out their doubts or ignore the past.

When you operate with trust as a light switch: Ever hear someone say, "I either trust you or I don't," as if there's a trust-light-switch that's either on or off? To them, trust is an all-or-nothing proposition. That's not the kind of trust you want at work. While unconditional love is a positive, unconditional trust isn't. Authentic trust, the kind you need for work relationships, has conditions, boundaries, and limits.

When the outcome matters more than the relationship: Sometimes outcome must be the priority. When President Reagan first used the now popularized phrase, "trust but verify," he referred to information reliability and increased transparency related to nuclear arsenals during the Cold War. Situations with life or death implications, high safety elements, or critical impact ramifications require an outcome critical approach, where control and verification behaviors often trump concepts typically associated with trust.


What's the most popular sport in the world?


Over 4 billion fans. 


Why is it important for people to start introducing their pronouns with their names? 

This gives space for everyone to learn the pronunciation of each other's names as well as learning pronouns. Not to cause confusion or discomfort for the individual. 

(he/she/they/ze etc.)


What colors are on the Asexual flag?

Black, grey, white and purple. 


Name a famous terrorist group in the United States against people of color. 

KKK, Aryan Nations, Boogaloo Movement, Neo-Nazis etc 

There are about 62 in total. 


When is the best time to put your phone away before bed?

2 hours before bedtime. 


If it is 12 pm and it is 85°F outside, is it okay to walk your dog on the pavement?


Temperatures over 77°F are too hot for dogs to walk on the pavement unless you have dog booties. 

If you can rest the back on your hand on the pavement for 11 seconds without burning, then it is probably okay.


What's the difference between ethnicity and race?

“Race” is usually associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics such as skin color or hair texture. “Ethnicity” is linked with cultural expression and identification. However, both are social constructs used to categorize and characterize seemingly distinct populations.


What was the Compton Cafeteria Riot? 

The Compton's Cafeteria Riot occurred in August 1966 in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. The incident was one of the first LGBT-related riots in United States history, preceding the more famous 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City. It marked the beginning of transgender activism in San Francisco.


Who gave the famous “ I have a dream” speech?

200 for just the name, 300 if you give the year it was given AND the name

Martin Luther King Jr. 1963


Name 3 things you can do, when you first wake up, in the morning to create a healthy routine. 


Write down your dream or thoughts of the morning. 

Think of something you're grateful for. 

Drink a glass of water. 

Get some natural light. 


Name three films that the actor Robin Williams was part of. 

  • The Angriest Man in Brooklyn, 
  • The Face of Love 
  • Lee Daniels’ The Butler
  • The Big Wedding
  • Happy Feet Two
  • Old Dogs
  • Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
  • World’s Greatest Dad
  • Shrink
  • August Rush
  • License to Wed
  • Night at the Museum
  • Happy Feet
  • Man of the Year
  • RV
  • The Night Listener
  • The Big White
  • Robots
  • House of D
  • The Final Cut
  • Insomnia
  • Death to Smoochy
  • One Hour Photo
  • A.I. Artificial Intelligence
  • Bicentennial Man
  • Jakob the Liar
  • Patch Adams
  • What Dreams May Come
  • Good Will Hunting
  • Flubber
  • Deconstructing Harry
  • Fathers’ Day
  • Hamlet
  • Jack
  • The Birdcage
  • Jumanji
  • Nine Months
  • Being Human
  • Mrs. Doubtfire
  • Toys
  • Aladdin
  • FernGully: The Last Rainforest
  • Hook
  • The Fisher King
  • Shakes the Clown
  • Dead Again
  • Awakenings
  • Cadillac Man
  • Dead Poets Society
  • The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  • Good Morning, Vietnam
  • Seize the Day
  • Club Paradise
  • The Best of Times
  • Moscow on the Hudson
  • The Survivors
  • The World According to Garp
  • Popeye
  • Can I Do It ‘Till I Need Glasses? (not in WorldCat, more info at IMDB)
  • Mork & Mindy (TV Series)

Name 4 different identities a person might have.


I am ...


Who was the historical figure that was one of the first openly gay people elected to public office before his assassination in 1978? He was also the subject of an Academy Award-winning film.

Harvey Milk


In the 1920s, Black people made significant contributions to music, literature, and art. What was this period called? 

The Harlem Renaissance

Billie Holiday with Ben Webster and Johnny Russell 1935



Demonstrate a guided body scan meditation. 

Begin by making yourself comfortable. Sit in a chair and allow your back to be straight, but not stiff, with your feet on the ground. You could also do this practice standing or if you prefer, you can lie down and have your head supported. Your hands could be resting gently in your lap or at your side. Allow your eyes to close, or to remain open with a soft gaze. Take several long, slow, deep breaths. Breathing in fully and exhaling slowly. Breathe in through your nose and out through your nose or mouth. Feel your stomach expand on an inhale and relax and let go as you exhale.


Who voiced the main hyena in the Lion King? 

Whoopi Goldberg! 

Shenzi was the hyena. 


What is intersectionality?

HINT: Think about the category this question is in.

Intersectionality refers to how your different identities (race, social status, gender identity, sexuality, physical disability, etc) overlap 

“Intersectionality” was coined in 1989 by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a civil rights activist and legal scholar


What is heterosexism?

The belief that heterosexuality is the normal and preferred sexual orientation and all others are deviant, and the assumption that everyone you meet is straight or should be. An example of a heterosexist assumption is asking a young woman you just met if she has a boyfriend.


What was the name of the 14-year-old boy from Chicago who was murdered for talking to a white woman? The photo of his corpse was published & shocked Americans into fighting for civil rights.

Emmitt Till


Emmett Till and Carolyn Bryant


Name 3 rights you have as a therapy client.

You have the right to:

Confidentiality (expect safety issues)

Report to someone else if your therapist makes you uncomfortable or does something inappropriate

Ask for your records

Develop your treatment goals

Ask questions about your treatment


Name 5 events that happened in the year 2020, so far, that have been significant to the human race. 

Australian Wild Fires, Cicadas coming out of hibernation, Murder hornets, COVID-19, Monkeys roaming the streets because lack of tourists, recovery of Venice waters, return of at-risk wildlife because lack of human interaction, Kobe Bryant plane crash, UK left the United Nations, Harvey Weinstein found guilty of 3rd-degree rape, Dow plunges 2,997 points in the worst drop since 1987, Summer Olympics postponed, Black Lives Matter global movement.