MTX Publications
MTX Publications cont
Weight and balance
Who is this?

Airworthiness Directives are issued primarily to

correct an unsafe condition.


What is the maintenance recording responsibility of the person who complies with an Airworthiness Directive?

Make an entry in the maintenance record of that equipment.


When computing weight and balance, an airplane is considered to be in balance when

the average moment arm of the loaded airplane falls within its CG range.


Napoleon Dynamite


What does the acronym TSO mean regarding a type certificated aircraft part, material, component and/or process?

Technical Standard Order.


A Technical Standard Order (TSO) is issued by whom?

The Administrator.  (FAA)


What tasks are completed prior to weighing an aircraft to determine its empty weight?

Remove all items except those on the aircraft equipment list; drain fuel and fill hydraulic reservoir.




Primary responsibility for compliance with Airworthiness Directives lies with the

aircraft owner or operator.


viation Maintenance Alerts (formerly General Aviation Airworthiness Alerts)

provide information about aircraft problems and suggested corrective actions.


What is meant by the term "residual fuel"?

The fuel remaining in the tanks, lines, and engine after draining.




An aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheet contains

location of the datum.


Which regulation provides the airworthiness standards for an airplane certificated in the normal category?

14 CFR Part 23.


The useful load of an aircraft consists of the

crew, usable fuel, passengers, and cargo.




The issuance of an Airworthiness Certificate is governed by

14 CFR Part 21.


Which regulation provides information regarding instrument range markings for an airplane certificated in the normal category?

14 CFR Part 23.


Which of the following can provide the empty weight of an aircraft if the aircraft's weight and balance records become lost, destroyed, or otherwise inaccurate?

Reweighing the aircraft.


Uncle Rico


Specifications pertaining to an aircraft model manufactured under a type certificate, of which less than 50 are shown on the FAA Aircraft Registry, can be found in the

Aircraft Listing.


(1) Propellers are NOT included in the Airworthiness Directive system.
(2) A certificated powerplant mechanic may make a minor repair on an aluminum propeller and approve for return to service.
Regarding the above statements,

only No. 2 is true.


Where do you look to determine the operating CG range when calculating a new aircraft weight and balance document?

It is found in the type certificate data sheet.




When an airworthy (at the time of sale) aircraft is sold, the Airworthiness Certificate

is transferred with the aircraft.




In the theory of weight and balance, what is the name of the distance from the fulcrum to an object?

Lever arm.




Suitability for use of a specific propeller with a particular engine-airplane combination can be determined by reference to what informational source?

Aircraft Specifications or Aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheet.


Which of the following are sometimes used as authorization to deviate from an aircraft's original type design?
1. FAA Form 337.
2. Supplemental Type Certificate.
3. Airworthiness Directive.
4. Technical Standard Order

1, 2, and 3.


In the process of weighing an airplane toward obtaining the CG, the arms from the weighing points always extend

parallel to the centerline of the airplane.




(1) A Supplemental Type Certificate may be issued to more than one applicant for the same design change, providing each applicant shows compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirement.
(2) An installation of an item manufactured in accordance with the Technical Standard Order system requires no further approval for installation in a particular aircraft.
Regarding the above statements,

only No. 1 is true.


(1) A Supplemental Type Certificate may be issued to more than one applicant for the same design change, providing each applicant shows compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirement.
(2) An installation of an item manufactured in accordance with the Technical Standard Order system requires no further approval for installation in a particular aircraft.
Regarding the above statements,

only No. 1 is true.


Which would have an effect on aircraft CG results when conducting a weight and balance check?

Leaving the downlocks installed.


Pedro's Cousins


Where are technical descriptions of certificated propellers found?

Propeller Type Certificate Data Sheets.


What regulations are covered by 14 CFR Part 1?

Definitions and abbreviations.


When an aircraft is positioned for weighing on scales located under each landing gear wheel, which of the following may cause erroneous scale readings?

Parking brakes set.


Summer Wheatley


What information is generally contained in Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheets?

Control surface movements.


An aircraft mechanic is privileged to perform major alterations on U.S. certificated aircraft; however, the work must be done in accordance with FAA-approved technical data before the aircraft can be returned to service. Which is NOT approved data?

AC 43.13-2A.


(1) Private aircraft are required by regulations to be weighed periodically.
(2) Private aircraft are required to be weighed after making any alteration.
Regarding the above statements,

neither No. 1 nor No. 2 is true.




Placards required on an aircraft are specified in

Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheets.


An aircraft has a total time in service of 468 hours. The Airworthiness Directive given was initially complied with at 454 hours in service. How many additional hours in service may be accumulated before the Airworthiness Directive must again be complied with?

The following is the compliance portion of an Airworthiness Directive. 'Compliance required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
I. Aircraft with less that 500-hours' total time in service: Inspect in accordance with instructions below at 500-hours' total time, or within the next 50-hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, and repeat after each subsequent 200 hours in service.
II. Aircraft with 500-hours' through 1,000-hours' total time in service: Inspect in accordance with instructions below within the next 50-hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, and repeat after each subsequent 200 hours in service.
III. Aircraft with more than 1,000-hours' time in service: Inspect in accordance with instructions below within the next 25-hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, and repeat after each subsequent 200 hours in service.'


The aircraft has less than 500 hours total time in service, so compliance with the AD falls in category I. The AD has been complied with and the aircraft has operated for 14 hours since the compliance. The AD must be complied with each 200 hours of time in service, so the aircraft can operate for another 186 hours before the AD note must be complied with again.


What FAA-approved document gives the leveling means to be used when weighing an aircraft?

Type Certificate Data Sheet.


Sledge Hammer


Technical information about older aircraft models, of which no more than 50 remain in service, can be found in the

Aircraft Listing.


1) Propellers are NOT included in the Airworthiness Directive system.
(2) A certificated powerplant mechanic may make a minor repair on an aluminum propeller and approve for return to service.
Regarding the above statements,

only No. 2 is true


Use of which of the following generally yields the highest degree of aircraft leveling accuracy?

Spirit level(s).


You got three feet of air that time!


(1) The Federal Aviation Regulations require approval after compliance with the data of a Supplemental Type Certificate.
(2) An installation of an item manufactured in accordance with the Technical Standard Order system requires no further approval for installation in a particular aircraft.
Regarding the above statements,

only No. 1 is true.


The Air Transport Association of America (ATA) Specification No. 100
(1) establishes a standard for the presentation of technical data in maintenance manuals.
(2) divides the aircraft into numbered systems and subsystems in order to simplify locating maintenance instructions.
Regarding the above statements,

both No. 1 and No. 2 are true.


To obtain useful weight data for purposes of determining the CG, it is necessary that an aircraft be weighed

in a level flight attitude.


Uncle Rico Van


Which of the following are sometimes used as authorization to deviate from an aircraft's original type design?
1. FAA Form 337.
2. Supplemental Type Certificate.
3. Airworthiness Directive.
4. Technical Standard Order

1, 2, and 3.


(1) Manufacturer's data and FAA publications such as Airworthiness Directives, Type Certificate Data Sheets, and advisory circulars are all approved data.
(2) FAA publications such as Technical Standard Orders, Airworthiness Directives, Type Certificate Data Sheets, and Aircraft Specifications and Supplemental Type Certificates are all approved data.
Regarding the above statements,

only No. 2 is true.


What type of measurement is used to designate the arm in weight and balance computation?



How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a.......

Football over those mountains!