Camping Skills
Emergency Skills
Trail Skills
Bonus: Scout

Explain the use of the buddy system at camp

For many outdoor activities, Scouting uses the buddy system to help ensure everyone’s safety. You and a buddy can watch out for each other during a campout by checking in now and then to be sure everything is all right.

Scouts never swim alone. Each Scout must stay close to a buddy who always knows where he is and what he is doing.

Hiking with a buddy helps you stay alert to each other’s safety. Your buddy can watch out for you while you keep track of him.


Identify 5 items in a first aid kit

• a list of emergency numbers

• gloves of my size

• an emergency blanket 

• 5–10 adhesive bandages (e.g. Band-Aids™) 

• pencil and paper

• Scissors

• safety pins

• Antiseptic wipes

• whistle

• Hand sanitizer


Explain the effect of weather on hiking activities

• Rain

• Thunderstorm

• Heat warning

• Hail

• Snow storm


What is Scout Motto and Scout Slogan?

Be Prepared

Do a Good Turn Daily


List what personal gear to bring on an overnight camp

• Spare clothing 

• Eating gear 

• Wash gear 

• Wet weather gear 

• Repair equipment 

• Sleeping equipment


 Explain how to be safe around a campfire

• Stay a safe distance away from fire

• Do not run and play in the area of the fire. 

• Do not touch the fire without the help of a Scouter

• Do not touch tools, such as an axe or saw, without proper training and supervision

• Do not throw anything into the fire.


What are the 16 compass points?


Who is the founder of Scout Movement? 

When was scout founded?

Where was it founded?

Robert Baden-Powell's 

January 24, 1908 

United Kingdom


Identify the main parts of a tent

• Tent

• Fly

• Poles

• pegs


Demonstrate on how to call 911

• Your address or other details about your location

• Your phone number

• A description of what happened

• Clarification about who needs help (you, someone you are with, or a stranger)

• Details of the problem (e.g., whether or not an injured person is unconscious or bleeding)

• Whether you are safe or still in danger


What do you need to pack for an overnight hike?


• Fire-making kit

• Whistle or mirror

• Extra food and water

• Extra clothing

• Navigational/communication aids

• First aid kit

• Emergency shelter

• Pocket knife

• Sun protection


How many scout members worldwide?

Scouting is currently active in 216 countries and territories, with a global membership of over 31 million, male and female.


What are the 7 principles of "Leave No Trace"?

Leave No Trace means Enjoy your outdoor adventures to the fullest, and leave no sing that you were ever there.

The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace are: 

• Plan Ahead and Prepare

• Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

• Dispose of Waste Properly

• Leave What You Find

• Minimize Campfire Impacts

• Respect Wildlife

• Be Considerate of Other Visitors


What is hypothermia and hyperthermia?

How to treat them?

Hypothermia occurs when you lose more heat than your body can produce and you feel very cold. Hyperthermia occurs when your body produces more heat than it can lose.


  • Try to get to a cool location, preferably one with air conditioning.
  • Drink water or electrolyte-filled sports drinks.
  • Take a cool bath or shower to help speed up your recovery.
  • Place ice bags under your arms and around your groin area.


  • Remove any wet clothes, hats, gloves, shoes, and socks.
  • Protect the person against wind, drafts, and further heat loss with warm, dry clothes and blankets.
  • Move gently to a warm, dry shelter as soon as possible.
  • Begin rewarming the person with extra clothing. Use warm blankets. Other helpful items for warming are: an electric blanket to the torso area and hot packs and heating pad on the torso, armpits, neck, and groin; however, these can cause burns to the skin. Use your own body heat if nothing else is available.
  • Take the person's temperature if a thermometer is available.
  • Offer warm liquids, but avoid alcohol and caffeine, which speed up heat loss. Don't try to give fluids to an unconscious person.

What are the 4 key things that every map has which helps you understand the information on that map?

• Title (Explains what the map is about)

• Legend/Key (Describe what the symbols are on a map and Helps you find information you need)

• Scale (Something that shows the measurements that are specific to that map and Helps us understand how far places are )

• Compass (Help us know where to go: North, East, South, West)


What is scout jamboree?

When is the first World Scout Jamboree took place and how often is Scout Jamboree?


The World Scout Jamboree is the largest regular event organised by the Scout Movement, gathering up to 40 000 people from all over the world. It is above all an educational event to promote peace and understanding. The World Scout Jamboree includes a wide variety of activities and also places great importance on the everyday life and interaction on the campsite. 


The World Scout Jamboree takes place every four years in a different country. The first World Scout Jamboree took place in England in 1920.


What is Layering System?

In the outdoors, proper clothing keeps you comfortable; more importantly, it keeps you safe.

The base layer is worn against the skin, an intermediate layer goes over the base, an insulating layer is next, and a shell layer is worn over everything. Layers are adjusted according to the season and conditions. Synthetic or wool fabrics insulate even when wet and are strongly recommended for cold weather. In warmer weather, a good wicking base layer draws perspiration away from the skin and keeps you cool and comfortable.


Identify the 3 warning symbol and 4 hazard symbol


Does a compass show true north or magnetic north? What is the difference?

The compass shows Magnetic North.

While a compass is a great tool for navigation, it doesn't always point exactly north. This is because the Earth's magnetic North Pole is not the same as "true north," or the Earth's geographic North Pole . The magnetic North Pole lies about 1,000 miles south of true north, in Canada.


Recite Scout Promise and Scout Law

The Scout Promise

On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen,
To help other people at all times,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.

The Scout Law

A Scout is:
Helpful and trustworthy,
Kind and cheerful,
Considerate and clean,
Wise in the use of all resources.