What is her favorite subject in school?
Where was Ritija born?
What year did Ritija become a big sister?
What does she like to collect?
What is her favorite pastime?
What does Ritija's name mean?
Born out of Truth
What does Ritija make for her parents everyday?
Chai (tea)
Which book series does she like to read over and over again?
How many instruments can Ritija play?
What is her favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies 'n Cream
Which theme parks has Ritija performed at?
Disney, Paris and Universal, Florida
Who does Ritija share her room with now?
Which grade did she get her glasses?
4th grade
What was Ritija's main achievement in 2019?
National History Day
What is her favorite food?
Mac & Cheese
How old was Ritija when she moved to New Jersey?
4 years old
Which board game does Ritija play with her family the most?
Which country does she visit the most?
What sport does Ritija play?
What is her favorite food chain?
Taco Bell
What does Ritija want to be when she grows up?
A doctor
What grade will Ritija be in when she's in the same school as Shriya again?
9th Grade
What does Arusha call her?
Choti Didi
How many languages has Ritija learned?
Hindi, English, Spanish, French, Mandarin