Rick's rename for what was formally the all team standup meeting
What is weekly cuddle?
Her favorite food is a hot dog
Who is Lulu?
This teammate is the internal brain/workhorse of Rippleworks
Who is Leader-Le?
The most common doctor visit for the Rippleworks team
What is gut check?
RW model for internal accountability
What is RACI?
She grew up with goats
Who is Lauren?
The teammate who coined the "Nappacino"
Who is Ted?
Rippleworks favorite farming technique
What is dig in?
Projects initiative is a high performing team and well operating machine.
What is OKR 2?
She dislikes running
Who is Lauren?
Most likely to talk about their dog
Who is Christina-Sarah-Pradeep?
The most exclusive club at Rippleworks
What is Meg's bookclub?
The Rippleworks master presentation template is called this
What is the Mothership?
An amateur birder
Who is Lulu?
Sung Hae's favorite emoji
Rippleworks least favorite animal
What is the sacred cow?