What common English verb becomes its own past tense by rearranging its letters?
DOUBLE THE POINTS: When was the first Harry Potter book published? (Month and Year)
June 1997
TRIPLE THE POINTS: How many books are there in the standard Bible?
66 books
What conflict was known as "The War to End All Wars"?
World War 1
In the Netherlands, what is the name of Santa Claus's helper who judges which children were bad during the year?
Black Peter
It occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour
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Letter M
Vermillion is a shade of which color?
After Jesus was arrested, which apostle disowned him three times?
How old was the youngest American serviceman in World War II?
12 years old
Saint Patrick's Day commemorates the _____ of Saint Patrick
DOUBLE THE POINTS:If a rooster lays an egg on the exact peak of a barn, which side does it fall?
No, Roosters don't lay egg
What is the name of the first book that Stephen King wrote and published?
Who built the first city?
Double the points: What was the first city to reach a population of one million?
What is the best selling Christmas single of all time?
White Christmas
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side
Double the points: How many paintings did Vincent Van Gogh sell during his lifetime? (Range is okay)
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Which of the Twelve Apostles is the patron saint of Armenia?
Jude the apostle
What military leader spread Greek culture from his native Macedonia to the Indian subcontinent?
Alexander the Great
Double the points:
What is the most commercially successful holiday?
Is it correct to say "the yolk of eggs is white" or "the yolk of eggs are white"?
Neither, the yolk of eggs are yellow
How long did it take Leonardo da Vinci to paint the Mona Lisa's lips?
12 years
According to the Bible, what does the name Barnabas mean?
Son of Encouragement
Who invented Arabic numerals?
What is the name of the little girl in the Nutcracker?