Directions A
Directions B

Where is the supermarket?

Is on Main Street

Is in front of the Garden Restaurant

Is between the post office and Meridian Officie Building


Where is the taxi stand?

Is on Center Street

Is in front of the train station

Is in front of the Grand Hotel

Is across the Police Station & Post Office

Is across the parking lot


What is this?

A bus stop


Where is the parking lot?

Is on the corner of Center Street and Main Street

Is in front of the Post Office

Is in front of the Grand Hotel

Is next to the Garden Restaurant


Where is the newstand?

Is on Main Street

Is in front of the Meridian Office Building

Is next to the bank

Is in the park


What is this?

A parking lot


Where is the post office?

Is on Main Street

Is on the corner of Main Street an Center Street

Is next to the supermarket

Is in front of the parking lot


Wgere is the Train Station?

Is on Center Street

Is between the Grand Hotel and Swan Café

Is across the parking lot

Is across the Psot Office & the Police Station


What is this?

A taxi stand