This reptile can sense an earthquake coming from 75 miles away and up to 5 days before it happens.
What is a snake?
In 2007, Corey Taylor did this to get out of a cell phone contract.
What is fake his own death?
According to the FB memes, this person did not kill himself.
Who is Jeffery Epstein?
It is illegal to land this alien vehicle in a French vineyard.
What is a flying saucer?
This favorite meal of the cats likes to fly.
What is a bird?
This type of candy was not allowed to be sold in the parks as per Walt Disney.
What is Chewing Gum?
Lady Gaga once spent $50,000 for an electromagnetic field meter to detect these other worldly beings.
What are ghots?
At one time Weird Al Yanovic's insisted that his contract entitled him to a brand new type of this shirt for every concert.
What is a Hawaiian Shirt?
It is illegal in Georgia to eat this finger licking type of poultry with a fork.
What is fried chicken?
The cats consider this furry little creature their favorite. It rhythms with house.
What is a mouse?
The NYPD followed wrestler Andre the Giant around when he was drinking to prevent this from happening.
What is to prevent him from falling on anyone when he got drunk?
This gyrating pelvis signer was originally a blonde but dyed his hair with black shoe polish to achieve his signature look.
Who is Elvis?
Katy Perry likes to collect this from other celebrities.
What is hair?
In Minnesota, it is illegal to tease these smelly little animals.
What are skunks?
This delicacy I have only seen on the porch once. It is a nut lover that is responsible for the most power outages in the US.
What is a squirrel?
This country eats the most mac and cheese in the world.
What is Canada?
This Hotel heir built a 300 sq ft dog mansion in her backyard.
Who is Paris Hilton?
This eccentric male celebrity has amassed a large Barbie doll collection that he uses to bond with his kids and get into character for his eccentric roles.
Who is Johnny Depp?
This round toy that Alvin and the Chipmunks mention in a song has been banned in Indonesia for stimulating passion.
What is a hula hoop?
This little critter is not a mole and not a mouse but looks like a cross between them. Heidi, they mate for life!
What is a Vole?
This famous Dr. Seuss book started out as a bet to create a book using fewer than 50 different words.
What is Green eggs and ham?
This soup can Icon of pop culture used to sleep with a mummified human foot next to his bed.
Who is Andy Warhol?
This Civil Rights Leader was a huge Star Trek fan.
Who was Martin Luther King Jr?
This place is where a homeless person should be, according to Russian law, after 10pm.
What is at home?
This young furry long eared victim usually has me running out to save it the minute I hear its screams.
What is a baby bunny?