Skills such as dedicated, team player and good communicator.
Soft Skills
Money that is taken out of your paycheck, like health insurance and taxes are under this category.
Solve this math problem:
x - 10 = 20
What % of Americans do NOT carry their states legal minimum car insurance requirements?
The three letter initials of the career program website we used.
Skills such as Excel, speaking a language, using a copy machine.
Hard Skills
This piece of plastic can be used to pay for something at a store. It is money you are borrowing until you make a payment on your monthly bill.
Credit Card
Your job title/profession in the Shady Sam game.
Loan Shark
Name three of the five most common auto insurance coverages that we discussed.
Collision, Uninsured/Underinsured, Personal Injury Protection, Comprehensive and Liability
The name of the interactive game you played where you made decisions as you lived "paycheck to paycheck".
A typical resume should have this many pages.
This piece of plastic can be used to pay for something at a store. It is money that is coming directly out of your checking account.
Debit Card
One, one dollar bill + five, five dollar bills =
Name ALL five insurances we studied (they were the categories hanging on the wall-wild card does not count)
Life, Health, Auto, Homeowners, and Renters
Name at least two topics on the Australian episodes of Dirty Jobs that we watched. The main topics, not the 2nd part of the episode!
Aboriginal Lands, Croc Hunting, Snake Wrangling and Treasure Hunting (Opal Mining)
The term for the reverse order of time when you list your job experience.
This is your pay (on your paycheck) AFTER taxes.
Net Pay
The term for the money you pay, out of pocket, before your insurance company starts paying on a claim. This could be auto, homeowners or renters insurance.
You use this document (from your employer) to file your annual taxes.
The Heads Up game we played is based on a game this talk show host created.
Ellen Degeneres
These people will answer questions your potential employer may have about you when they call them.
This is your pay (on your paycheck) BEFORE taxes.
Gross Pay
The proper term for online currency (it was in one of our Heads Up games).
If you are correct you get the points (money) and instantly win a piece of candy! This question cannot be stolen.
What was the top way survey respondents would cover a $400 emergency: credit card, borrow from family/friend or would NOT be able to cover.
Credit Card
Use the living paycheck to paycheck game we played on the computers to answer both questions.
Fill in the blanks:
3 jobs were: Admin, Restaurant and ___________.
3 ways to get cash were: Smash your kid's piggy bank, donate plasma and __________________.
Warehouse and Payday Loan