What is another, nicer name for a Shark Investor?
Angel Investor
Why is it important to use multiple choice questions?
So that you can calculate clear results
A portion (percentage) of the company that you give to an investor in return for the money you request from him/her.
Why is a bank unlikely to loan you money to start up your company?
The risk is too high. You might fail and the bank would lose the money.
What is Logos?
Logic -- one of the qualities your presentation needs.
Why should your questions on a survey be short?
It makes it easier for your respondents to follow the question and so they are less likely to get confused.
Sales minus Expenses = ?
What is the advantage of selling wholesale?
2) You reach a bigger number of customers.
What is Pathos?
Emotion or passion -- it helps connect you to your audience
Why do you need to collect information on the age and gender of your survey respondents?
So that you can see which age group is most likely to purchase your product.
What is another name for the presentation you make to investors?
Besides money, what can investors offer that will help your business?
Experience (advice) and/or connections.
What is Ethos?
Why do survey results matter to investors?
They demonstrate that your product really will sell.
What is the term for money the investors make from investing in your product?
Return on investment
What is THE most expensive form of advertising?
National television commercials.
How can a survey help you in the development of your product?
What is the term for information on the age and gender of your survey respondents?
Why should you research competitors before deciding on a product?
1) You must find out if the product already exists. or 2) It will help you to set your price. or
3) You need to see if your product is better than theirs.