This skill involves use of cold water
Name the ACCEPTS skill these actions represent: Calling a friend, drawing, reading, writing, going on the computer
Fill in the blank: Letter “P” means proceed ___________.
Define- All-or-Nothing Thinking:
Thinking of things in absolute terms, like “always,” “every,” or “never.”
True/False: Crisis survival skills should be used for solving all your life problems.
Name 1 self soothe skill using sense of smell
Fill in the blank: As part of IMPROVE, you can take a 15 minute _______
When reviewing your Pros/Cons list, it is important to remember the __________ and ________ consequences.
Short-term and long-term
Define- Overgeneralization:
Taking a single event and applying it to many situations and circumstances.
This occurs when you stop throwing tantrums because reality is not the way you want it, & let go of bitterness.
Radical Acceptance
Breathe in for 4, exhale for 6
Paced Breathing
Doing something nice for someone else, part of ACCEPTS
Fill in the blank: Letter T means_____________ .
take a step back
Define + Example
Emotional Reasoning:
Treating your emotions as fact.
Accept reality with your body through the use of _______.
Willing Hands/Half Smile
This skill involves the tightening and releasing of muscle groups
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Fill in the blank: Using IMPROVE to find ______________ represents identifying something you can learn from your painful situation.
The ideal time to fill out your pros/cons for target behavior is:
Before a crisis urge hits.
Define + Example
Focusing on the worst possible thing that could happen no matter how unlikely it is.
The component in DBT that states that two things can seem opposite, and still both be true.
Some people struggle with self soothe because it involves self-care. What Emotion Regulation skill will help you overcome this by doing the repeated action of self-soothe over and over.
Opposite action
Name 1 similarity and 1 difference between ACCEPTS/IMPROVE skills.
They both help you survive a crisis; ACCEPTS- helps accept the moment and distract; IMPROVE- helps change the moment and make it better when the situation is longer lasting.
STOP and Pros/Cons skills both help us reduce _____________ behaviors.
Define + Example
Mind reading:
Assuming the intentions of others, especially assuming others are reacting negatively to you.
________ is a readiness to enter and participate fully in life and living.