Are you Smarter Than a 9th Grader?
Socially Acceptable
Cry Me a River
The Dean's Office

states that matter is neither created nor destroyed, only changed in form

What is the law of conservation of matter?


The give and take in a social interaction involving two people talking. 

What is a conversation?


This is one good way to avoid an argument and cool down if a disagreement isn't going well. 

What is "walk away"?


You make a request of your parents, but they give you an answer you don't like, so you keep asking them over and over again. 

What is unexpected behavior?


a substance or molecule that participates in a chemical reaction

What is "reactant"?


When you say something nice to someone about their ability or appearance?

What is a compliment?


This is “the way a person is speaking to someone.” In essence, it's not what you say, it's how you say it.

What is tone of voice?


This is what you should do if you are working with a classmate, but he isn't doing the assignment the way you think he should. It is driving you crazy!!

What is ask a teacher for help or suggestions for how to proceed.


Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)

What was Cortez?

Adjectives from this "zone" include happy, calm, good to go, focused, ready to learn. 

What is the green zone?


This is a social skill that is the transmission of messages or signals through nonverbal platforms such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and the distance between two individuals.

What is nonverbal communication?


This is what you should NEVER do if your classmate makes a comment that you disagree with. 

What is write a rude comment in the chat, unmute yourself and tell him/her their comment was wrong, laugh outloud, or yell at the student in class.


a² + b² = c²
(Only in a right triangle.)

What is the Pythagorean Theorem?


Characteristics of this zone include frustrated, worried, silly, anxious, excited. 

What is the yellow zone?


This is a strategy you can use when you see that an adult is getting angry with you, but you want to keep arguing your point. 

What is walk away, save it for later, approach at a calmer time, go read, hit a pillow, etc.?


This is one thing you can do when a person doesn't seem to be taking your good advice or doing what you think he should do. 

What is walk away, leave it alone, or let him do it his way, or change the subject, etc.?


The largest river in the world. 

What is The Amazon?


This is the ability to understand and identify with the feelings of another person

What is empathy?


How is she feeling?


This is a word that describes how your parents can know that you won't be doing something you aren't supposed to be doing, even when tempted. Once they have this in you, then they will allow more freedom.

What is trust?