Bee Movie
Planet 51
Over The Hedge
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 2

Barry couldn’t fly in the ____. 

Why can’t Barry fly in the rain?


The soldiers used fences to block the ______________. They stayed there all night so the astronaut won’t pass.

Why did they block the flying saucer?


This animal was scared at the beginning when he saw a bear.

Who is RJ?


This character doesn’t talk throughout the movie but knows things that are excited or scary. 

Who is Bullseye?


When Woody was about to leave Al’s apartment by a vent, the prospector tried to reason Woody so he could ____ with them.

Why the prospector try to reason Woody so he could “stay”?


When there was rain, Barry was finding a window so he can get through in. Barry met a human. The other humans tried using something to ____ Barry. But then, Vanessa saved the bee.

Why did they try to kill Barry when Vanessa saved Barry?


Skiff worked in a ______ book shop.

What is a Comic Book Shop?


RJ tried to get all the food to feed the bear, but he couldn’t. So he tried finding other animals to help him. After 1 day, he found a family of _____.

Why did he try finding a family of animals?


Andy’s mom took a box with Andy’s toys in it and then they entered a daycare called __________.

What is Sunny side Daycare?


This person kidnapped Woody and took him somewhere else.

Who is Al?

Vanessa took Barry to a store. Someone smacked Barry with a _____.

What is a rolling paper?


 Lem saw someone when they came out of the door at the other side of his house. (hint: it’s a boy or girl

Who is Neera? (A girl

This animal helped RJ before getting the food, but then he returned it back to the rightful owners.

Who is Verne?


Woody didn’t want to stay with the other toys because he tried reasoning the other toys to go with him, but they wanted to stay. Woody decided to ______.

Why did Woody wanted to ”leave”?


The toys used this to cross to the other side of the street to find Woody.

What is a cone?


Kevin, (Vanessa’s dad) tried to kill Barry with a _____ with flames on it. Vanessa came to check on Kevin that quick.

What is a sprayer?


A astronaut approached from the sky and then Lem’s family was surprised because they didn’t know what that was. The astronaut had a name.

Who is Chuck Baker?


RJ got all the food, but the other animals were stuck in a cage because someone captured the animals. They took the animals in a ______.

Why did they took the animals to a truck?


Woody came back to apologize the other toys. When the toys explained that Lotso was the monster, Woody made a plan going back to Andy’s house. So they decided to _____.

Why did they want to escape?


Woody met his roundup and his roundup was a cowgirl, a horse, and a miner.

Who is Jessie, Bullseye, and the prospector?


When the trees were old, they were trying to get pollen back. They used a _____ vehicle to re gain pollen for the bees.  

What is a flower vehicle?


When the astronaut came to Lem, he couldn’t breathe.  When Lem saw that the astronaut was lying on the ground, the astronaut took out his _____.

Why did he take out his helmet?


The exterminator, (who captured the animals), took them somewhere, but then RJ saved them. Back at the hedge, the bear came. On the other side, the owner of the house, brought a weed hacker weapon to kill the animals. But then, they trapped them in a big ______.

Why did they try trapping them in a big cage?


This is the character that is sometimes afraid of things.

Who is Rex?


The dentist came in Al’s apartment to fix Woody’s _____.

Why did the dentist want to fix Woody’s arm?