Influences on the triangle
Transmission of disease

This is the first disease case in the population

what is a primary case?


This is an object that can harbor and textures agent and is capable of being a means of transmission

What is fomite?


Any virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite

What is a pathogen?


An individual who has been exposed to and harbors the disease but is not ill or shows any symptoms

What is a passive carrier?


This requires behavior change on the part of the individual

What is active primary prevention?


This is the first disease case brought to the attention of the epidemiologist

What is an index case?


This is the habitat in or on which an infectious agent lives, grows, multiplies in the pens for its survival in nature

What is a reservoir?


This occurs when droplets or dust particles carry the pathogen to the host and cause infection

What is airborne transmission?


An individual who has been exposed to and harbors a disease causing organisms despite recovery from the disease 

What is an active carrier?


This is any attempt to restore in afflicted person to a useful and productive lifestyle

What is rehabilitation?


The ongoing, usual, or consistent presence of a disease in a community or among people in the same group

What is an endemic?


This is a nonliving intermediary that conveys the infectious agent from its reservoir to a susceptible host

What is a vehicle?


This transmission requires physical contact between infected host, a susceptible person, or a physical transfer of the pathogen

What is direct transmission?


An individual who harbors the disease although in the recovery phase is still infectious

what is a convalescent carrier?


Preventing a disease or disorder before it happens.Health promotion, education, and protection are the three main facets

What is primary preventio?


This is when a disease is affecting or attacking the population of an extensive region, country, or continent

What is a pandemic?


This is conveying the infectious agent from one host to another spread through waste products, bites or bodily fluids, or indirectly through food contamination. This does not cause disease itself

What is a vector?


When the pathogen undergoes changes as part of its life cycle while with and the host and before transmitted to the new host 

What is biological transmission?


An individual who has been exposed to in harbors disease is in the beginning stages, displaying symptoms, and has the ability to transmit it

What is an incubatory carrier?


This is aimed at the health screening and detection activities used to identify diseases, Ames to block the progression of the disease, or prevent from developing into something like an impairment/disability

What is secondary prevention?


This is the occurrence of cases of an illness, specific help with any behavior, or other health related events clearly an excess in a community or region

What is an epidemic?


This is an infectious organism in vertebrate animals that can be transmitted to humans through direct contact, a fomite, or a vector

What is zoonosis?


When a pathogen is spread using a host for a ride for nourishment, or as part of a physical transfer process

What is a mechanical transmission?


An individual who has been exposed to or harbors the disease and can spread it at different places or at different intervals

What is an intermittent carrier?


The aim of this prevention is to block bigger progression of a disability, condition, or disorder. By limiting any disability by providing rehabilitation when damage has occurred to prevent waste for use of any health care services

What is tertiary prevention?