for your Eyeholes
In your Earholes
Communal Bathtub
High Society

What is the secret identity of the fictional superhero Batman?

Bruce Wayne


Chunk was a character in which 1985 movie about a group of young misfits looking for lost treasure?

The Goonies


“I was working part time at a five and dime. My boss was Mr. McGee” are lyrics from which song by Prince?

Raspberry Beret


Jim Jones, leader of The People’s Temple, created his own compound in Guyana, aptly named Jonestown. Over 900 of his followers were found dead after Jones had instructed them to drink which drink laced with Cyanide?



In the 1950’s, the CIA tested this drug as a possible form of mind control on unknowing participants in a program called MKUltra



In the movie The Terminator, what is the name of the company that created Skynet?

Cyberdyne Systems


Kiss Me Kate and 10 Things I Hate About You were both based on which Shakespeare comedy?

The Taming of the Shrew


What children’s song about aquatic animals was streamed so much in 2019, it hit the Billboard Hot 100?

Baby Shark


This cult planned to hitch a ride on the Hale-Bopp comet as it passed closely to the earth in March 1997. In one of the largest mass suicides in the history of the United States, 39 members of this cult were found dead, wearing matching Nike’s.

Heaven's Gate


Desomorphine was a drug created by the German company Knoll in 1920. It was shortly used for pain relief and was described as being 8 to 10 times more potent than Morphine. The drug became a problem in russia when heroin users began using it as a cheaper alternative. What is the street name of this drug, which deforms the skin of those who abuse it.



What is the unit of length that is approximately 3.26 light-years?



“I’d buy that for a dollar”, is a catchphrase from what 1987 action movie set in Detroit, Michigan, in the near future.



CBGB, the former infamous New York music club, stands for what?

Country, Blue Grass and Blues


Charles Manson, head of the Manson Family in the late 60’s, implanted the idea of an impending race war in his followers' minds by claiming that the Beatles had left a secret prophecy in which one of their songs?

Helter Skelter


Lean or purple drank, created in Houston, Texas and popularized by many hip-hop songs, is made by mixing what three ingredients?

(Cough Syrup, Soft Drink, Hard Candy)