Listening test
Reading test
Writing test
Speaking test

You cannot write on the question papers.



Short answer question Answer key: - deforestation Which of the following would be marked correct? 

1-Deforestation - cutting down trees



4-Cutting down trees 


Extra words/information that are not on the answer key will mean that your answer is marked as wrong. Incorrect spelling is always marked as wrong. Synonyms or paraphrases of the correct answer are not accepted as you must write exactly what is on the answer sheet. The hyphen in words that are not normally hyphenated are not marked as incorrect.



Answer key: - computer Which of the following would be marked correct?


Capitalization does not make a difference in the IELTS. However, if you write a plural noun instead of a singular noun it will be marked wrong. Also if you add articles (a, an, the) to the answer, it will be marked wrong.


The total length for the writing exam is 1 hour. How many minutes should you spend on the essay?


It is recommended to spend 40 mins on the essay and 20 mins on the graph/letter. The essay is longer and is worth more points. 


True/False/Not given Answer key: - Not given Which of the following would be marked correct?


NG stands for 'not given'. Be careful, though, if your 'G' looks like an 'O', it will be marked wrong. Some students use 'not' to mean 'false', so this is marked wrong.


You have to write 200 words in writing task 1.



True/False/Not given Answer key: - False Which of the following would be marked correct? 

1- No



It is always a good idea to write exactly what it says in the question. However, 'no' is accepted for 'false', and 'false' is accepted instead of 'no'. 'Not' would be marked wrong as it is not clear whether you meant 'false' or 'not given'. Ticks and crosses are automatically marked as being wrong.


Short answer question Answer key: - 11th February 2011 Which of the following would be marked correct?

11th February


The more you write in the essay, the more likely you are to get a higher score


It's about quality, not quantity. You must exceed 250 words minimum and have adequate support for your ideas, but writing a lot does not necessarily mean you will get a high score. 


How many minutes is the IELTS Speaking Test?


The test won't go under 11 mins or over 14. These limits are why the examiner may sometimes stop you speaking. They have to get through all of the 3 sections of the test in the allotted time. 


In the Listening test, you are given extra time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.



Fill in the blank Answer key: - 79334620091418220 Which of the following would be marked correct? 


2-Visa card number 7933462009141822



Numbers from the listening are difficult to get right. You must hear them correctly, write them down correctly, and copy them onto the answer sheet correctly. Adding hyphens will not be penalized. This will be marked as correct. Do not add any extra words which you have copied from the question paper. They will not be on the answer sheet and this will be marked as incorrect.


Multiple choice matching question 

Answer key: - C   Environmental problems Which of the following would be marked correct? 

1- C/D
2-G Environmental problems
3-Environmental problems

Environmental problems

The heading without the letter is correct. 'C' by itself would also have been correct, and this is how most candidates answer. Never write more than one answer unless the question tells you to. If half of the question is right and the other wrong, then it will be marked wrong.


You should start writing as soon as you have read the essay question


You should check you fully understand the question, brainstorm some ideas, and do a brief plan before you start writing.


We’re not going to get a table at the Italian place this late. ____________, we can go to the Greek place just down the street.

 Instead... Contrast is important in these sentences. Because the Italian restaurant is probably full, another option is to go to the Greek place. “Instead” of heading to one restaurant they can choose the other.


there are 3 parts in the Speaking test



Short answer Answer key: - 4.00 pm Which of the following would be marked correct? 


2-16:00 pm

3-4 o'clock in the afternoon 

4 o'clock in the afternoon

In the listening, you musts add 'am' for 'in the morning' and 'pm' for 'in the afternoon/evening' if that information is given. If you use the 24-hour clock, then you cannot use 'am' or 'pm'. Here, 16.00 (without pm) would have been correct. You can choose to write the time out in full, but be careful of the spelling. This candidate could have just written 4.00 pm instead.


Fill in the blank question (maximum 3 words) Answer key: - fish/sea creatures Which of the following would be marked correct? 

1-Fish and sea creatures 

2-The sea creatures 


'Fish and sea creatures' is 4 words. This is too long. 'The sea creatures' is the written number of words, but the candidate has added the word 'the'. Adding any word(s) that aren't on the answer key will mean that your answer is wrong. 'Fish' is correct. 'Sea creatures' would also have been correct.


You should use single spacing rather than double spacing in your answer?


There's no need for double spacing as you'll just need more paper and it looks a bit messy. Leave a line between paragraphs though so it is clear where each paragraph starts and finishes.


_____________ Lisa is _____________, Miranda can take over the research and development department.

As far as / concerned... Focusing and linking is important here. Lisa’s opinion is being stated by someone else, and she believes Miranda should take over the department. “As far as she is concerned” that’s a good option.


Grammar is the most important factor when the writing test is assessed.

False /writing is assessed according to your grammar, content , vocabulary and organization. 


Is the following statement true or false? You are given 10 minutes at the end of the listening and reading to transfer your answers from the question booklet to the answer sheet.


You are given 10 minutes at the end of the listening to transfer your answers over, but NOT at the end of the reading. If you haven't transferred your answers, you will not be given extra time!


 Short answer question Answer key: - in Australia Which of the following would be marked correct? 

1-in australia


3-in Austrailia

in australia
Incorrect capitalization is not marked wrong. If a word is missing, even a small word like 'in', it is marked wrong. In the last option, Australia is spelt incorrectly and, therefore, wrong.


You can write all of your essay in capital letters if you like


You can but there is no reason to unless you have very bad joined-up writing. Writing in capitals takes some people longer. 


I’m going to go out with Jake since he’s asked me so many times. _______________, what have I got to lose.

Besides... The second sentence is an addition to the first. Since Jake has asked her our to many times she hasn’t much to lose. “Besides” is used to illustrate this.