What should you do if you have an equipment problem?
Report any technical issues or damages
What do you need to have to start class?
Fully charged laptop
Any school related materials
What are some ways that you can be responsible during the mini-lesson?
Avoid multi-tasking
Ask questions
What does CAPS stand for?
cooperate, anticipate, participate
How do you show cooperation?
Being respectful when someone is speaking
Taking turns
Sharing out work
What kind of language should you be using in the classroom
appropriate/positive language
How should you answer/post questions?
Chat box, private chat, or email
What are some ways that you can be respectful during the mini-lesson?
Audio off
Video on
Answer/ask questions using the various appropriate methods
What does respect look like during guidance practice?
One speaker at a time
Video on
Audio on
What does respect look like during independent practice?
Audio off when working
Asking appropriate questions
Using private chat when necessary
Who do you report unsafe behavior or language to?
A trusted staff member at Springfield Public Day High school
How do you ask for help?
Post in comment box
Raise your hand on camera
Raise your hand using emoji on Teams/Zoom
What are some ways to be safe during the mini-lesson?
Ask questions in private chat box
Raise your hand
Use appropriate language
What is one way you can encourage somebody?
Use positive language
Stay on topic
Recognizing someone's efforts or when they need help
What do you think are the expectations of an asynchronous lesson?
Access assignment on Unified Classroom
Stay on task
Submit work on Unified classroom
Email teacher or check in during office hours if you have any questions