
1,232,987 + 342,551 + 435,229 = ?

What is 2,010,767?


Mrs. Young's company made 1,287 bags of Skittles today, for a total of 34,645 bags this month. What was the total number of bags of Skittles this month that were made before today?

What is 33,358?


Home Depot purchased 22,549 pounds of gravel to sell in their new store. After six months, Home Depot had sold 13,498 pounds of wood. About how many pounds of gravel does Home Depot have left to sell?

What is 10,000 pounds of gravel?


   426 x 43

What is 18,318?


A parking lot was being designed outside a Nolanville Neighborhood Store. If each of the rows of the parking lot is designed to hold the same number of cars, which of the following is a possible arrangement for the parking lot to hold 1,500 cars?

A. 30 rows of 20 cars                  B. 30 rows of 60 cars

C. 30 rows of 200 cars                D. 30 rows of 50 cars

What is D. 30 rows of 50 cars?


The number of lemonade sales for a local restaurant on Sunday before 5 p.m. is shown.

What is the total number of lemonade sales from 10:00 to 2:00?

What is 640?


Ms. Ayers took out a loan for $750,000 to upgrade her house. She used the loan money and spent $186,500 to build a pool and $224,988 to add on a second floor. How much of the loan money does Ms. Ayers have to pay the contractors?

What is $338,512?


Lowe's Lumber Company purchased 11,088 pounds of mesquite wood and 9,655 pounds of hickory wood to sell in their new store. After three months, Lowe's Lumber Company had sold 7,632 pounds of wood. About how many pounds of wood does Lowe's Lumber Company have left to sell?

What is 12,000 pounds of wood?


One of the largest camping ground has 147 RV homes and accommodates 12 people on each RV home. If the camping ground is completely full 3 nights this week, how many people will the camping ground accommodate during those 3 nights ?

What is 5,292?


A group of 12 people collected 1,536 pounds of apples. If each person received the same amount of apples from the total amount collected, how many pounds of apples did each person receive? 

What is 128 apples?


The number of popcorn sales for a local carnival on Saturday before 4 p.m. is shown.

What is the total number of popcorn sales from 1:30 to 3:45?

What is 629?


The owner of a construction company took out a $2,000,000 loan to build a second location in a nearby city. The owner used the loan money and spent $313,500 to hire a general contractor to oversee the project, $489,932 on a plot of land for the restaurant, and $512,054 for equipment and furniture. How much of the loan money does the owner have remaining?

What is $684,514


The fifth grade is planning a field trip. There are 120 students in the class. They also have 5 teachers and 17 parent volunteers who will go on the field trip. How many buses must the school order for the field trip if each bus holds 50 people?

What is 3 buses?

(Round 2.74 to the nearest whole number)


One of the largest resorts has 25 floors and accommodates 100 people on each floor. If the hotel is completely full 3 nights this week, how many people will the resort accommodate during those 3 nights?

What is 7,500 people?


Ms. Brown is making Welcome bags for 5th grade. She ordered 1,440 pencils to put in the bags. Ms. Brown needs to make 72 bags. If each bag has the same amount of pencils, which representation correctly determines how much gravel will be used in each centerpiece?

What is 20 pencils?

(Teacher show unit bar and area model)