ECG post dual chamber pacemaker insertion:
What is an A and V lead switch?
oarahisian pacing: conclusion
What is "no rapidly conducting septal AP"?
What is concealed retrograde penetration?
46M with palpitations:
What is RVOT VT?
52M NYHA III, CRT non-responder. LV lead placed in this vein...
What is the AIV (anterior interventricular vein)?
ICD Shocks, most likely diagnosis:
What is intracardiac (T wave) oversensing?
Mode of induction
What is 2 for 1 response?
over AF pathway and AVN
Entrainment from this site during VT yields this response:
What is an outer-loop site?
What is VT?
This structure can make CTI ablation a nightmare...
What is the Eustachian Ridge?
(Enriquez et al. Circulation 2018)
Dual Chamber Pacemaker with Palpitations:
What is repetitive non-reentrant ventricle-atrial synchrony (RNRVAS):
Response to PVC:
What is accessory pathway conduction?
retrograde His follows A
SVT diagnosis:
What is AVRT? PVC at V end of right-sided AP
Mechanism of block:
What is Phase 4 AV block?
Next door to the aortic Non-Coronary cusp
What is RA septum?
Most likely diagnosis:
What is atrial tachycardia?
Parahisian Pacing Diagnosis:
What is atrial capture?
Entrainment with concealed fusion: bystander or in circuit
What is "in circuit"? stim to QRS = egm to QRS
26F with recurrent syncope:
What is vasovagal syncope?
After failing DFT testing, an extra coil was placed in this location:
What is the azygous vein?
Reveal implanted for syncope, on interrogation 1 week post implant:
What is under-sensing / air in the pocket?
(no T wave on last QRS)
A PAC is delivered, by which means does it advance the next beat???
What is the slow pathway?
Induced Tachy: V-V interval changes precede H-H interval changes. Diagnosis:
What is bundle branch reentry VT?
72 year old woman with palpitations.
What is nonreentrant dual A-V nodal tachycardia?
During LV lead implant, these two structures can lead to dissection if not handled gently....