The physical machine; any part of a computer that you can touch.
what is Hardware
A name for a spot in the computer's memory where information can be stored.
what is a Variable?
A note written in computer code for the programmer to read, that the computer ignores. Marked in Python with a # symbol.
what is a Comment?
This is a command that displays text and numbers on the screen.
What is print() ?
Information sent to the computer by the user, in the form of letters, numbers, or symbols
what is Input
This is the process of using technology to solve human problems
What is computer science?
An object in Python that stores letters, numbers and words. Not used for calculations.
what is a String?
Special characters marked with the \ symbol. Can allow you to make a new line, tab, print a quotation mark, or print a backslash.
what are Escape Characters?
This is a command that displays a message prompting the user to type something in. It is usually a question or instructions.
what is input() ?
A program that translates written code into machine language.
What is a Compiler
A computer component that carries out a program's instructions.
what is a CPU?
Any whole number (either positive or negative), and zero.
what is an Integer?
The escape character after which to print on the next line.
what is \n ?
This is how you print the letter X.
print("X") ?
Instructions that a computer follows, written in code.
what is a Program?
Short term, temporary memory. When computer is powered off, all information here is lost.
(aka RAM)
what is Main Memory
A function that translates strings into integers.
what is int( )?
The escape character after which to print tab (4 spaces).
what is \t ?
This is how you print the variable X .
what is print(X) ?
Data and information in the real world that can be measured discretely or numerically, instead of continuously. Example: binary data stored in a computing device.
what is Digital?
Long term memory, or storage. Preserved when a computer is powered off.
(aka Hard Drive)
what is Secondary Memory?
A function that tells Python to handle the value in the parentheses as a string, not as a number.
what is str( )?
This is the correct way to print:
what is print("\\\"Hello\"")
This is how you get the user to enter a decimal number. See the prompt below.
Enter a decimal:
What is float(input("Enter a decimal: "))
Data and information in the real world that can be measured continuously, instead of discretely. Example: volume or color.
what is Analog?