It is this note on the Treble clef:
and this note on Bass clef:
What is a half note?
When there are 4 beats in a measure, this note lasts for 4 full beats.
What is a whole note?
These both have the same note name.
What is G?
This is when the Treble Clef AND the Bass Clef work together.
What is the grand staff?
When the measure can hold up to 4 beats, this note lasts for 2 beats. It has a stem.
What is a half note?
What is E?
A symbol that indicates the end to a piece of music.
This note counts for one beat.
What is a quarter note?
What is a high G?
The section of music staff that comes between two barlines. There are three in this picture above.
What is a measure?
This note counts for 1/2 of a beat.
What is an eighth note?
What is middle C?
The top number tells you how many beats each measure gets, while the bottom number tells you which note gets one beat.
What is a time signature?
This note counts for 1/4 of a beat.
What is a sixteenth note?