Gaming Facts
Mental Health
Gaming Support

There are more boys gaming than girls. True or False?

The gender split for gamers these days is 47% female to 53% male! There is, however, a difference in how boys and girls are playing. Boys are more likely to play action/shooting games whereas girls are more into puzzles and social games (2016).


What are the biggest concerns of parents for their children's gaming?

They usually worry about if they are spending too much time on gaming and if they are safe online. 


Is gaming too much a disorder?

In 2018, WHO put Gaming Disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (11th revision), meaning that Gaming Disorder is a diagnosable mental health condition.


When should I reach for gaming support?

Anytime when you have concerns about one's gaming behaviors and associated mental health concerns.


How common is gaming these days?

64% of U.S. adults and 70% of those under 18 regularly play video games (2020).


Too much gaming is not good, but it doesn't cost you money, right?

Expenses incurred during gaming include micro-transactions, buying skins, weapons or stuff in black market, esport betting and virtual money in social casino games!


How much is too much?

According to ICD-11, people may be diagnosed Gaming Disorder if the following are present: 

•Impaired control

•Giving priority to gaming that it takes precedence over other activities

•Increasing gaming time despite -ve consequences

•Functioning impairments

•12 mth or above


Who can access gaming support?

One session's gaming support is free to all British Columbians impacted by gaming.


What's the average age of gamers?

The average US male and female gamers are 33 and 37 years old (2018). 


I don't need to worry about gambling risks when my children play video games, as they are regulated. True/False?

There are different ways that may lure players into gambling, e.g. simulated gambling games and advertising within games. The randomness in games and the potential expenses through micro-transactions can be similar to gambling, e.g. loot boxes.


What kind of mental health concerns should I watch out for if one is gaming a lot? 

Depression, anxiety and ADHD: Internet Gaming Disorder showed the strongest associations with anxiety, depression, and ADHD or hyperactivity symptoms and social phobia/anxiety


What kind of support is available?

Examples of referrals that we can provide: 

Counselling, support groups, parental control software/apps, health and wellness agencies, online self help tools, youth services