What is Lee Croddy’s YouTube show called?
What is: The Right choice of news
Name 3 social media platforms mentioned in this case
Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp
What is Lee Croddy being charged with?
Aiding and abetting a first degree burglary; accessory after the fact to a felony
What did Remi find in Drew Marshak's house?
Drew's personal laptop (transferred files to USB) and a briefcase
What happened on March 2019?
Lee Croddy organized a small number of non-public groups to direct message with on twitter
What did the government documents Lee Croddy boasted about allegedly show?
Proof of extraterrestrial beings and UFOs
Twitter and Instagram
What does a "stipulation" mean?
A stipulation is a formal legal acknowledgment and agreement made between opposing parties before a pending hearing or trial.
What is the name of the police officer?
Max Bird
What happened Tuesday Feb 11, 2020?
Lee Croddy publicly tweeted that a new video would be posted the following Thursday regarding documents from the government showing what information was being kept from its citizens
What does RCN contain?
Lee Croddy posts videos on RCN which Lee claims are being hidden from the public by the government in an effort to control public perception
What is Remi Montoya's username?
What happened on February 13th, 2020?
Lee Croddy posted a full video publicly on YouTube. In the video Drew Marshak's name/information was blurred out.
What did Remi Montoya comment on the video when it was posted by Lee Croddy on February 13, 2020?
Remi saw the video, liked and commented "I'll be there Lee! I'll be right next to you!"
What happened on February 14, 2020?
Lee Croddy texted Remi Montoya via WhatsApp
How did Remi Montoya enter Lee Croddy's residence?
Lee guided Remi by way of a secluded entrance to a room in a guest house in the back of the property.
What happened on February 15, 2020?
Remi Montoya entered Drew Marshak's property and took Drew's items