Staying healthy
Job Seeking skills
Key skills

What is a resume?

A resume is lists of your work experience, education, skills and achievements.


What is work ethic?

Forming good habits and strategies. 


What are some examples on what you should do to maintain good hygiene?

Take daily showers, use deodorant, wash your clothes. wear clean clothes, wash your hands often, brush and floss your teeth. 


What should you do before you apply for jobs?

You should look for what experience you want from that job.


A strong "blank" is one of the most important qualities that potential employers look for in a nursing assistant.

What is a strong work ethic?

A one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee.

What is an Interview.


What is Punctual mean?

It means you are on time or a little bit early.


How do you maintain your physical health?

Exercising, eating the right foods, resting when feeling not too good.


Where can you find jobs that are hiring?

Newspapers, the internet, job placement service, bulletin boards, and from friends.


What is the term that makes you look professional if you take responsibility for your actions.

What is Accountability?


Describe ways on how to make a good first impression during an interview.

1. Being properly prepared. 2. Go over a list of questions they might ask you before the interview. 3. Dress properly. 4. Have a good attitude.


Others can count on you to come to work every day as scheduled and remain their during the entire shift.

What is Reliability.


Why is it bad to go into work sick?

You can spread the sickness around to your co-workers and patients/residents. Some of them could have conditions that make it harder for them to fight off harmful germs.


What should you have ready before applying for a job?

A resume, reference list, and cover letter.


People will want to keep you if you are always counted on to come to work and do your entire shift. What is the term that describes this?

What is Reliability?


What are some qualities of a strong work ethic?

What is attitude, reliability, punctuality, and accountability.  


What is accountability? 

A person who accepts responsibility for his or hers actions.  

Why is it good to keep your emotional health in balanced?

Your emotional health bases on how you treat others and what actions you do. So it is good to make sure you emotional health is in check so you can perform well.


What should you do first before going for your interview?

Preparing questions on what they might ask you.


You should always have this towards your job and to others.

What is good attitude.


What does a professional look like?

A professional looks like someone who is dressed properly for the job and know's what they are doing.


A person who goes the extra mile to complete a task with care is...

What is a conscientiousness person.


What can happen if you don't keep your health up?

Depression, loss of sleep, not wanting to do anything, could get very sick, diseases


Being always on time or being a bit early is being..

What is being Punctual.


List at least 3 of the major job terms.

Punctuality, reliability, accountability, conscientiousness, courtesy and respectfulness, honesty, cooperativeness, empathy.