Who is in love with Jake?
Notre Dame
What is Paris' most famous cathedral?
Drinking and lack of communication.
What are themes in the book?
Bal musette
What is the name of a dance hall in Paris?
The Lost Generation.
What was Hemingway and his group of artist friends called?
Who is Robert Cohn's fiancée?
What is the long stretch of garden that runs along the Seine?
Paris in the 1920s.
What is setting?
Café Select
What is the name of the most frequented café in the book?
Drove an ambulance.
What did Hemingway do in WWI?
Robert Cohn
Who is compared to Moses?
Bois de Bologne
What is Paris' largest public park?
Cohn falls for Brett; Jake can't have Brett; Brett loves Jake but has needs.
What is conflict?
Café Napolitain
Where does Jake meet Georgette?
Deep sea fishing and big game hunting (lions, rhinos).
What were Hemingway's hobbies?
Jake Barnes
Who has been left impotent from his injury in WWI?
Boulevard Montparnasse
Where are most of the cafés in the Latin Quarter located?
In the morning I walked down the boulevard; I read the papers: I took a taxi to work.
What is point of view?
What is the name of a greenish liqueur?
Supposedly cleaning a shotgun.
How did Hemingway die?
Count Mippopopolous
Who has arrow wounds running through his belly?
Boulevard St. Michel
On what street does Jake live?
Stubborn yet easily manipulated; lives vicariously; doesn't understand true suffering.
What is characterization?
Where do Jake and Brett go to dance?
Standing up.
How did Hemingway like to write?