Biblical Dates
History of the Bible
Faith, Scripture, and Tradition

In what year was the book of Revelation written?

90 AD :)


The Latin translation of the Bible is called the what?

the Vulgate!


_________ is defined as the surrendering of our minds and hearts to God and to what He has revealed to us.



What do the kids find upon entering Mr. Tumnus's home?

-it's all messy!

-a note basically describing that Tumnus has been taken because of his betrayal of the White Witch (for not kidnapping Lucy)


Which came first:

-the translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek (Septuagint)

-St. Jerome's translation of the Bible into Latin

-the translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek (Septuagint)


Martin Luther removed the ________________ books from the Old Testament, but the Church at the Council of ________ reaffirmed the original list of 73 inspired books that still compose our bible today.

Deuterocanonical books, Trent

True or False: faith is blind belief in really anything, without any basis, like believing in Bigfoot or the Yeti.


-faith is based on the trustworthiness of the person who calls you to it!


After finding out that they are "wanted" by the White Witch, what appears in order to guide to the children?

A Robin!

Put these events in the correct chronological order, by saying the correct number sequence.

1. The Bible printed for the first time using the printing press.

2. Pope St. Damasus declares the official canon of Scripture.

3. The Book of Isaiah is written

4. The Council of Trent reaffirms the canon of Scripture

Correct Order: 3, 2, 1, 4

3. The Book of Isaiah is written

2. Pope St. Damasus declares the official canon of Scripture.

1. The Bible printed for the first time using the printing press.

4. The Council of Trent reaffirms the canon of Scripture


Why did St. Jerome translate the Bible into Latin?

St. Jerome translated the bible from Greek to Latin in order to make it possible for the bible to be translated into other languages


Which came first: Scripture or Tradition? Why?


-the Bible as we know it did not come about until 382 AD.

-before then, Christians were passing on the practices of the faith as a community

-the Bible came from Tradition!


What new character appears in order to save the kids in Chapter 7,  who does he say  is "afoot", and what reaction does this cause in the kids?

-Mr. Beaver rescues them by taking them into his dam

-ASLAN!!! Causing a strange, warm and fuzzy feeling in each of the children at the mention of his name


In the year _____, the Greek version of the Old Testament, or the ________, was translated from Hebrew. 

200 BC, Septuagint


What pope and in what year established the official list (canon) of Scripture that still exists today?

Pope St. Damasus I, 382 AD

What do we mean when we say the Bible was inspired?

-God and the authors worked like a team:

       -God did NOT tell them what to write word for             word

       -rather, God inspired the authors but they also              wrote the books freely themselves (just like your           inspired stories)


In chapter 6, describe the event that causes Edmund to become more and more alienated from his siblings.

-he accidentally reveals he had been there before

-Peter angrily freaks out on him.

-he is now more resentful and secretive than before for being shamed about his lie!


Tell me the correct dates and events for all 4 key events in the history of the Bible BEFORE the time of Christ.

  • ~1400 BC: The Pentateuch begins to be written (first 5 books of Bible)
  • ~800 BC: Book of Isaiah written, foreshadowing the coming of the Messiah
  • ~450 BC: Old Testament ("Hebrew Bible”) finished being written and compiled
  • ~200 BC: Greek version of the Old Test. (“Septuagint”) is translated, compiled

Explain why it makes no sense to believe the Bible alone can the source for all Christian authority and truth in our lives.

1. any person who says they don't believe in the Catholic church but believes in the Bible is contradicting themselves:

           -the Church put together the Bible

           -for 300 years, through prayer, study, and                   discussion of these texts, the authority of the               church discusses the nature of the books and              then decided.

2. Jesus did NOT give us a book. Rather, he started a Church, and gave us Traditions (like the mass) to DO, in memory of him.


Explain these two things:

1. Why God chose human authors to write the bible

2. Why we needed written tradition eventually

1. God wants relationship with us, knows that we relate by human words and ideas --> wanted to give us a way of understanding Him in a way we could comprehend and grasp (working through human authors)

2. The telephone game -- initially, things were passed on by simple word of mouth, but over time, for the sake of accuracy and clarity, things began to be written as the church grew.