These are the three steps of transcription.
What are Initiation, Elongation, and Termination?
This is the physical blockade of sigma factor and RNAP binding of the DNA by another protein.
What is steric hindrance?
This chemical is used in a chemical transformation to make the bacterial outer membrane more positive.
What is calcium chloride (CaCl2)?
You notice that expression of one protein that has NO DNA binding domain results in the decrease of hundreds of transcripts. This is likely the cause.
What is this protein degrades/sequesters a sigma factor?
On Wednesdays, we wear this color.
What is pink?
This strand of DNA will have the same sequence as the RNA transcript (pick one)
What is the coding strand, the sense strand, or the non-template strand?
This is the sequence encoded on the DNA to which a transcriptional repressor will bind.
What is the operator?
This is added to the plate to select for the plasmid-containing bacteria.
When a transcriptional activator binds to the DNA when a transcriptional repressor is not removed, you would expect this effect on transcription.
What is limited to no transcription?
Name one person worthy of lifting Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, who ISN'T Thor.
Who is Captain America?
These are the three parts to a promoter.
What are the -35, the -10, and the +1 sites?
If you were a transcriptional activator, where would you like to bind relative to the promoter?
What is upstream or 5' to the promoter?
This offers some sort of selective advantage that allows a microbe to survive better.
What is a virulence gene?
In the lac operon, these conditions will give you the highest levels of transcription for these molecular reasons.
What are low glucose, high lactose? (CAP/cAMP binding to recruit RNAP, LacI removed from DNA when binding lactose)
This microscopic organism has been shown to survive the vacuum of space, complete desiccation (drying out), and near absolute zero (0 degrees Kelvin).
This feature is shared by both DNAP and RNAP.
What is they both use DNA as a template?
When a transcription factor binds to the DNA and blocks transcription initiation, this is the primary protein this repressor is blocking.
What is a sigma factor?
These are the four main components of a plasmid.
What are the resistance cassette, the origin of replication (ori), the promoter, and the multiple cloning site?
This is the term for when a protein binds but does not degrade a sigma factor.
What is sequester?
This type of bass fishing rig relies on using a plastic tube worm with a nail weight inserted into one end and a weedless hook.
What is the Neko rig?
These are the two types of prokaryotic transcriptional termination.
What are rho dependent/independent termination? (Will accept intrinsic/extrinsic)
These two modes of transcriptional regulation often go hand-in-hand, where one is the opposite of the other.
What are direct transcriptional repression and activation by alleviation of repression?
You design a plasmid containing an ampicillin resistance cassette, but you plate the transformed bacteria on a spectinomycin plate. The next day, there is no bacterial growth but you keep the plate in the incubator and observe bacterial growth after a few days, why?
The bacteria were weakly resistant to the antibiotic spectinomycin and thus grew much slower than normal.
Ampicillin, an antibiotic, activates transcription in our hypothetical bacterium, Steve. However, you find that it does not cross the outer membrane of Steve. How would Steve mount a transcriptional response to ampicillin?
Double jeopardy, numerous answers
The gestation period of the average sow (female pig) is this long.
What is three months, three weeks, three days?