These are the four ways you can contact your Coordinator and Academic Mentor.
What are call, text, email, and talk to them before or after a workshop?
When you get paid on Friday, 12/11, you only get paid for one week of workshop due to THIS holiday break.
What is Thanksgiving?
The COVID19 pandemic is a classic example of THIS type of hazard.
What is biological/viral/virus hazard?
One school year is THIS many days.
What is 180 days?
These are the 5 values for Chinatown MYEEP.
What are teamwork, responsibility, respectfulness, acceptance, and growth?
These are 3 potential reasons that can get you terminated from MYEEP.
(see page 8 of the handbook to check answers!)
You are working at a worksite and there is really loud construction nearby that gives you a huge headache. This is an example of a ____ hazard.
What is physical/noise?
This is the continent that is also known as a country.
What is Australia?
These are five possible reasons for completing and submitting a grievance form.
Bonus 100: This is where you should submit the form.
What are (1) conflicts with peers, (2) conflicts with your Coordinator or Academic Mentor, (3) feeling like your worksite is not safe, (4) discrimination, and (5) sexual harrassment?
Bonus: What is Ayako or Alvin from JCYC?
The zero tolerance policy states that all forms of harassment by THESE four groups of people are not allowed in MYEEP.
Who are mentors, interns, staff, or members of the public?
In the Spring, you get a chance to work at a MYEEP worksite. One of the employees who also goes to the same school as you, finds you on Instagram and follows you! THESE are three things that you can do in this scenario.
What are (1) ignore/delete the request, (2) explain to the person that you want to set clear work boundaries, (3) tell your MYEEP coordinator/ask them for hel?
This is a common misconception about Pumpkin Spiced Lattes.
What is they don't actually have pumpkin in them?!
It's best to participate in all workshop activities, but there are some days where you just don't feel like it! These are two examples of what you can say or do in this situation.
What are (1) use the chat/emojis to participate and (2) let your Coordinator know before workshop that you are not physically or emotionally well that day?
As a MYEEP participant, you get THIS many paychecks during the Fall and each paycheck is THIS many dollars.
What is 5 paychecks and $120 each?
You get off work at 7pm and it's super dark outside. Your supervisor notices that you are afraid to walk home alone. She offers to drive you home. This is an example of what you can say or do in this situation.
What is politely decline, explain that you don't want them to be liable for any accidents, and tell them you will call your parents for a ride home (or that you will just take the bus or run home)?
Riddle time! It has keys, but no locks. It has space, but no room. You can enter, but can’t go inside.
What is a keyboard?
These are 3 goals that your group wants to achieve in MYEEP.
(Depends on the group!)
For the M2 program, you decided to save $50 from each paycheck. This is the amount of extra money you would get from the M2 match for each paycheck.
What is $20 x 3 = $60? (Because MYEEP only matches $20 per paycheck)
These are the 5 types of workplace hazards and one example of each.
(Check answers from the Workplace safety powerpoint!)
There are five MYEEP team members. These are ONE fact about each of them!
(Check slides 5-9 on the Orientation powerpoint for answers!)